I'm a dedicated mug latherer, but this presents problems when travelling because I don't want to risk breaking the lovely black ceramic Muhle apothecary mug that my wife bought for me. I have been using an empty TOBS tub as a travel bowl and it works well, but I thought i'd give a shave stick a try along with this crackpot notion of lathering directly on my fizzog.
Having heard good things about the Palmolive shave stick and noting that it's tallow-based (yay!) I decided to give one a try. Heck, Asda sell them for 48p, you can't get a coffee for that so I thought it'd be worth a punt.
I was mildly disappointed to discover an unassuming green stick lurking in the box having believed (wrongly) that it would be in a tube like a big lipstick, but hey, it was cheap. It did smell good though! So, I dipped the end into the sink and rubbed it over my wet face and head like a crayon. Nothing seemed to be transferred during this exercise, so I did it again. Still nothing to write home about, but now I smell nice. Preparing for disappointment and half wondering which soap I was going to use instead to do the job properly, I went to work with my brush. Hmm, that looks a bit soapy! Then it happened... lather galore! It just appeared like magic from the thin coating of soap, so much so that I got carried away and in my enthusiasm launched a lather bomb over my shoulder and onto the cat. She was not pleased and left in disgust, pausing only to bite my ankle.
The shave was as good as any soap I've tried, and my skin felt great afterwards. I think this stuff must be the heavyweight champion of shaving bargains! 48p for 50 grams of a soap that performs that well and smells nice! I just need a tube for it now.
Having heard good things about the Palmolive shave stick and noting that it's tallow-based (yay!) I decided to give one a try. Heck, Asda sell them for 48p, you can't get a coffee for that so I thought it'd be worth a punt.
I was mildly disappointed to discover an unassuming green stick lurking in the box having believed (wrongly) that it would be in a tube like a big lipstick, but hey, it was cheap. It did smell good though! So, I dipped the end into the sink and rubbed it over my wet face and head like a crayon. Nothing seemed to be transferred during this exercise, so I did it again. Still nothing to write home about, but now I smell nice. Preparing for disappointment and half wondering which soap I was going to use instead to do the job properly, I went to work with my brush. Hmm, that looks a bit soapy! Then it happened... lather galore! It just appeared like magic from the thin coating of soap, so much so that I got carried away and in my enthusiasm launched a lather bomb over my shoulder and onto the cat. She was not pleased and left in disgust, pausing only to bite my ankle.
The shave was as good as any soap I've tried, and my skin felt great afterwards. I think this stuff must be the heavyweight champion of shaving bargains! 48p for 50 grams of a soap that performs that well and smells nice! I just need a tube for it now.