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Palmolive or Arko Stick ?

Palmolive Or Arko Shave Stick Or Both

  • Palmolive

  • Arko

  • Both

Results are only viewable after voting.
This is my first poll. Thanks for your Replies Guys :eek:)

Which one do you prefer? And why?

Or Maybe you like both ?
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Arko's got some great performance but Palmolive is where it's at for me. The scent is very refreshing and it's performance is top notch for a shave stick.
Palmolive many times over the Arko, it works well but I think the Palmolive gives a better lather and scent as well.
Arko's got some great performance but Palmolive is where it's at for me. The scent is very refreshing and it's performance is top notch for a shave stick.
I agree i love my Palmolive but to be honest i never tried the Arko :eek:/ This is why a called this poll.
Haven't had the chance to try Palmolive. Super easy to get in Europe, have to order online from somewhere here in the US. But I do know that Arko lathers if you look in it's general direction and I like the scent.
Both are good. I used Palmolive exclusively for a long time.
I like the scent and skin feel of Palmolive more than Arko.
As I mentioned in the Cult of Palmolive I get a better glide with Palmolive. Perhaps given the same 20 seconds you get more soap build up with Palmolive leading to a better shave. I've seen clumps of it stuck in my beard before.

Up Palmolive!
I voted both since both soaps are simply good. I prefer the scent of Arko over Palmolive; if Palmolive just had a better scent...

On hot days Arko is my #1 soap and on colder days I might prefer Palmolive but you really have to try both!


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Arko is a solid performer for the price, But Euro Palmolive is better. No question.

It is the only soap I use right now, and I have a bunch in boxes.
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Very similar performance from both with the edge going to Palmolive. Also can't go wrong with the nice clean, green scent of the Palmolive either. I happen to be fine with the scent of Arko, but you wont find any threads on Herr talking poorly about the scent of Palmolive.

Of course you could always take a small step up and get yourself a stick of one of, if not THE finest shave soap currently in production and grab a stick of La Toja.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I prefer Palmolive scent over Arko. They are both in the same league. If you have a choice, try both.
I had to vote for Palmolive. I've only used Arko once, but the scent got it banished to the laundry room for some airing out. Arko's lather seemed fine, but I really love Palmolive's scent. We'll see how Arko does after its probation.
The only area that I thought Palmolive was slightly better was the scent, which reminds me of Irish Spring bar soap. Otherwise, I prefer Arko.
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