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Paint chips on Gillette Red Tip

These chips are on the bottom. What type and color of paint should I get to repaint this? There is also brassing on the underside (a golden color is showing through). Can this brassing be taken off, or is the brass the base metal? In other words, I'd like the underside of the razor to be the same color as the rest of the razor, which is a bright stainless steel color. Also, does this razor have a laquered surface?
Sniff --

The brass is the base metal. Nickel plate was overlaid on this, so when the Nickel wears down to the base metal it's known as 'brassing'. 'Brassing' doesn't effect the usability of the razor. It is a cosmetic flaw only, so use the razor and enjoy the shaves. Some guys have re-plated them, but generally it's not worth it, IMO.

-- John Gehman
And to answer your other question, no... nickel plated Gillette razors were not lacquered.

And I think replating razors is DEFINITELY worth it.

Have you seen my Red Tip Custom Super Deluxe?

Gold plated with a Red Gold tip. (These are lacquered, and technically, not mine anymore. :wink:)

Thank you, BroJohn, for the answer. Nice job, HerrHepCat. I just got the red tip from ebay, and have never done a wetshave, so I'm looking forward to it.

I'm still wondering what type of paint to get. I think Testors enamel would be the best bet, but I'm asking all you guys what your thoughts are. Thanks

Thank you, BroJohn, for the answer. Nice job, HerrHepCat. I just got the red tip from ebay, and have never done a wetshave, so I'm looking forward to it.

I'm still wondering what type of paint to get. I think Testors enamel would be the best bet, but I'm asking all you guys what your thoughts are. Thanks


I asked the same question recently, and Highball suggested Krylon International Red brush on paint. I Googled that and a web site for Krylon opened up with stores that carry Krylon, which included Ace, Home Depot, KMart, Sears, Hobby Lobby and Sherwin Williams. Shouldn't be too hard to find. Good luck!
I asked the same question recently, and Highball suggested Krylon International Red brush on paint. I Googled that and a web site for Krylon opened up with stores that carry Krylon, which included Ace, Home Depot, KMart, Sears, Hobby Lobby and Sherwin Williams. Shouldn't be too hard to find. Good luck!

Don't you dare paint your RTCSD!! :lol::lol::lol:
Don't you dare paint your RTCSD!! :lol::lol::lol:

Well, you know, part of RAD is true ADD, and it's time to move on, change things up a little bit.....juuuust kidding! The RTCSD is the one razor I own that I probably won't use. It's prominently on display, and will be the topic of much discussion here. I'm looking forward to the wild-eyed looks I will get just after friends/family have already given me that "you're nuts" look upon hearing about my new passion for wet-shaving, and then I pull out the Red Tip Custom Super Deluxe to show them! :cool:
The Red Tip is a great shaver, but the bit of paint chipping is very common. It is present on all the Red Tips I've had or sold except for my one razor that looks to be nearly NOS.

Most of us just live with the paint flaws, but to each his own. As Cooncat Bob has said these razors "ain't the frickin Mona Lisa"

By way of comparison, I nearly always polish and paint the numbers on my Fat Boy's and Slims.
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