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Oxy Clean

I am having trouble finding myself some Borax. Do you guys have any experience with using something like Oxyclean to clean a brush?
I would probably avoid this. Do you have a Kroger nearby? Also, there is a brush cleaning method over at Em's place that utilizes dishwashing liquid and vinegar that works well.

I'm thinking the oxyclean would be a little harsh, almost like bleach.

The brush cleaning video is here.
I am having trouble finding myself some Borax. Do you guys have any experience with using something like Oxyclean to clean a brush?

Just about every grocery store, around here anyway, carries Borax. Also Walmart and Target carries it. I don't think I would use Oxy Clean, instead try vinegar.
If your local outlets don't stock it, you can also buy some at Classicshaving.com, but it's a lot more expensive than getting a big box of Borax for next to nothing.
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