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Overtighting an Old Type?

I had an interesting experience with my Canadian Old Type.
I started the shave, with a Derby blade and the original, slightly cracked, handle.
The blade did not work well so out it went, and the crack in the handle became slightly more pronounced that I cared for, namely I couldn't tighten then handle to my liking. So in came a Red Israeli Persona blade and I swapped the handle with my Cadet longer handle.
I might have over-tightened it but the result was that the razor became very smooth and very mild. It was definitely more aggressive with the Derby or the Astra blades I used with it before.
I read somewhere that the blades back when the Old Type were made used to be thicker and some suggest shimming an Old Type.
Also, the groove around the screw on the bottom plate is made to fit either an old type handle or ball end tech handle (off my humble den). Other handles are wider and press against the groove's edge.

So it is hard to tell what exactly happened, if I "crimped" the razor. As for the shave, it was very good! extremely smooth and efficient.
What do you make of this?
An old type handle with a long/wide crack can cause the threaded top to spin in the handle and not get the head tight

you can grab the threaded block and tighten.


As you have found out, replace the handle with one that is not susceptible to cracking
I am probably going to epoxy it, the cracks are not long, about 1/4 on each end. I like the razor and the handle looks very classy. I could not get a proper grip on the threaded end for proper tightening.
I also have a NOS one where the handle is completely cracked. I am not sure what to do with it, many times I thought to just use another handle with it and never had the heart to un-NOS it. So I got the Canadian for cheap on bst. Though the seller said it didn't have any cracks but they might have formed during the temperature changes in transit. The only thing that was holding the ends in the handle was green corrosion. The ends were not inserted all the way in, I suspect that was what kept the handle in that shape through the years. I basically wanted to try the head so I didn't care that much about the handle. It was rather dirty and brownish. A day in lysol and some MAAS TLC made it to something I can bring into the house without the missus calling the health borad:tongue_sm
The first shave the handle held up even with the cracks, but I think over the last week with the temperature changes and the ends being tightened all the way in made the cracks worse.

My main question, though, was is it possible to over-tighten and Old Type to a point where the blade gap decreases thus making it mild?
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