ever notice how you've gone thru the ebay auctions and discovered a mislabeled razor- say an adjustable gold executive disguised as a fatboy or a president in a superspeed case and you've identified it as a mismatch and start watching it or bid on it in hopes that most others won't catch on, and then somebody posts a message to the seller telling him he has a much more expensive/desirable item, announcing to the auction world that this might be a bargain, and then the bidding shoots up. doesn't that **** you off- and you wonder why would the person, who outed the razor, do that? now, i can understand downgrading something that is said to be more valuable when it isn't- like an advertised aristocrat that's really a superspeed, but i can't understand the purpose of upgrading an item, especially if you intend to bid on it. if you were in a thrift store and found something of higher value than the owner realized, and wanted to buy it- would you tell the owner- "oh, you know this is really a picasso you have here, not a vanderschlagen." doubt it, you'd probably buy it for his bargain price and think what a steal you got. and if you don't intend to bid on the item- why possibly destroy the "bargain" value of it.
just my thoughts on it.
just my thoughts on it.