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Outa here!

Hi Gang,

My wife and I made a decision to move from Buffalo, NY to the Carolina’s. We lived there once prior for about 5 years and moved back for job and family reasons. We are now moving back for family and “political climate” issues aka: “I being taxed way too much”

We are going to miss a lot of things about the Buffalo area but there are plenty of positive things about our new home. We have lived in NY for most of our lives as we were both born here but the time has come to split for good. Yup we are off like a prom dress!
Have any of you made the decision to break camp and bail? If so how did it affect you over the long haul? Would you do it again if you wanted too?

BTW anyone want to buy a house?

Best of luck to you! I have wanted to bust out for a while, but there are family things that keep me where I'm at.
I would expect property taxes in either of the Carolinas to be significantly lower than anywhere in New York state. I am also pretty sure the income tax rate would be lower there as well. Many of the southern States are like this. It wasn't only the weather that brought people south of the Mason-Dixon line. Best of luck. Moving is always a pain.

Cheers, Todd
The taxes on my house here in NY are about 5k a year. I owned a house in SC that was about the same as this one and my taxes were.....$785 a year! Yes some things are more expensive in the south, like milk (not many cow farms there) and yes I have to pay a yearly property tax on my cars. However gas is currently about 70 cents a gallon cheaper there, the school system my son will be going to is the best in the state with scores meeting and exceeding his current school. AND I don't have to shovel the heat! I jus need to deal with those pesky tornados and hurricanes on occasion.

So Ouch, do you want to put in an offer on the house?



Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Not only are property taxes in the Carolinas cheaper than mine, I wouldn't be surprised if properties there are cheaper than my property taxes.

My family did the same thing 15 years ago. We moved from Buffalo, New York to Charlotte, North Carolina. The cost of living down here is pretty low, especially when compared to the Northeast.

the school system my son will be going to is the best in the state with scores meeting and exceeding his current school.

We are unfortunately still ranked 49th in the country as far as education is concerned

My family did the same thing 15 years ago. We moved from Buffalo, New York to Charlotte, North Carolina. The cost of living down here is pretty low, especially when compared to the Northeast.

We are unfortunately still ranked 49th in the country as far as education is concerned

I'm moving to Fort Mill SC we have wanted to move back there for the past 5 years! I miss it so much and can’t wait to get out of here. My wife actually moved already and is staying with family. As soon as I sell this house I'm gone!
I think you will like the slower paced lifestyle.

There is something about "the south" that is different than the rest of the country.

Not to mention that you have "the big city" just over the border to the north


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member

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My family did the same thing 15 years ago. We moved from Buffalo, New York to Charlotte, North Carolina. The cost of living down here is pretty low, especially when compared to the Northeast.

We are unfortunately still ranked 49th in the country as far as education is concerned

Wait... I mean, I knew it in my head that someone HAD to be worse in education.. but I didn't expect you guys to be worse than Florida. I guess I expected more of a state that calls itself North.

But hey, if you want cheap (we have no jobs...), then Florida has much to offer. Only the finest of boxes down here in the Tampa area, free at any USPS. Yes, they are small so you have to take a LOT of them, but we are cheap! Otherwise, I wouldn't mind living in the Carolinas. You guys have weather, and not just hot. I would certainly never, ever, ever move up to NY or NJ. I just drove through the state and it cost me almost $50, plus I got to sit in traffic for 5 hours. Enjoy the move, and hope everything works out well with the house.
We moved twice with kids and the one thing I would do is make sure your son is where he is supposed to be with regard to testing. We moved in the middle of the year and it was difficult as things were taught differently in the system where we were at. All in all it was the best for us and I don't regret the move, I like where we live much better.
I think you will like the slower paced lifestyle.

There is something about "the south" that is different than the rest of the country.

Not to mention that you have "the big city" just over the border to the north

It is a lot slower-paced here in the South. If you do ever need something more fast-paced, just head to Atlanta or Charlotte. Try driving speed limit in Charlotte. You will get the living daylights tailgated out of you. Tailgate someone in rural NC, and you just might get run off the road.

Wait... I mean, I knew it in my head that someone HAD to be worse in education.. but I didn't expect you guys to be worse than Florida. I guess I expected more of a state that calls itself North.

Yes, the education is atrocious in North Carolina. Some of the small counties have some good schools, but most of the public school systems leave a lot to be desired. Governor McCrory seems to be making strides to correct that, but it seems like both our Democratic and Republican state officials are still out in left field.
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