When I was young I gave my Dad a bottle of Timber Line for Father's Day and it became one of his favorite aftershaves for the rest of his life. Today to get a whiff of the one old bottle I have (pictured) brings back a flood of memories. Sometime in the late 70s or the 80s he bought a bottle and complained that it was completely different. The packaging and possibly the company had changed. He bought a couple of old bottles he found on a dusty drugstore shelf and that was that. As I've tried to research Timber Line I reach a dead end. It was apparently made by English Leather originally. But now there seems to be a version made by Mem and one by Dana. Some places sell a version made by "Classic Edition Fragrances" in Calumet City IL, about which I can find nothing informative on the internet. That edition's bottle and label resemble the original one but it for some reason is sold without a box. Does anyone know anything of the history of this fragrance, why it changed, and if any of the current versions smell like the one that I remember from long ago?