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Original Razor Blades With a 50s Gillette Superspeed

I am trying to complete my birth year razor/case which is a Gillette 1956 Super speed Red Tip. I have the razor, and the red case but not the blade case.

I have done research online and have noticed photos showing two different blue blade cases, one with twenty blades, and one with ten or fifteen. So, does anyone know which would be the correct one? I'm thinking that it is the solid blue plastic twenty blade case, but I want to confirm that with the experts here on this great forum. Thanks all
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The original dispensers for the Red Tip (and the other two Super Speeds, too) would have been the yellow-and-blue 6-packs of Blue Blades like this one:


Here's an ad spread that Achim has on his site showing all three:

Thanks for the info MacDaddy, which confirmed what I had guessed. Now the question is where to find one...:confused1
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