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Orange Derby Blades: Anyone Try Them Yet?

Just curious if anyone has tried the new Orange Pack Derby Blades yet?

I have ordered 250 of them off of Amazon, but they are not yet here. Since I don't need 250 of them, I will probably be putting 10 packs (100 blades) of them up on the B/S/T so others can try them out.

Hopefully these blades are of better quality than the vertical Derby.

The packaging has been changed to target the N.A. market. The product is exactly the same. However, some speculate it might be the Hallowe'en edition. :wink:
My package of 250 Orange Derby blades showed up in the mail this week, and I have redistributed 160 of them to the various members of Badger and Blade.

I am going to start my testing with the Orange Derby blades tomorrow. :thumbup1:

Hey John I look forward to the results you get from the orange blades. I did not enjoy the Derby Greens.
Likewise - look forward to your thoughts as I don't particularly care for the greens. They aren't bad but they aren't great for me either. Just "meh".
If anyone has ordered these and has a pack to spare, please PM me. (Or, point me to where I can buy some, without needing to get 250! :001_rolle) I'm still sampling blades, looking for "the one." :001_smile

(And, +1 on the "greens are meh" sentiment.)
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So far I have had 3 shaves with the new Orange Derby blades.

My general thought is that they are about the same quality as the vertical Derby blades. I have shaved with two blades so far. All 3 shaves have used the same setup, with my Muhle R89.

I had two shaves with the first blade, both featured a lot of weepers.

At first I thought this might be due to me not using a DE razor for about two months (was using a Schick Injector quite heavily). So I put a Red IP into the Muhle R89, and had a much better quality shave.

Today I decided to try again with an Orange Derby. I still got more weepers than what I would consider to be normal (which is nearly none).

I am going to shave two more times with the current blade, but it appears I won't be buying anymore of these in the future. :bored:

Good thing I sold off all but 30 of the 250 I had purchased. :lol::lol:

I am looking forward to the reports of others; Your Millage May Very and All. :thumbup1:
Feather Portable w/ one shave old Orange Derby
Omega Boar Brush
Arko Moist SC
Generic Witch Hazel
Barbasol Pacific Rush AS

Out of curiosity, I decided to try the Orange Derby blade in my Feather Portable, instead of the Muhle R89 today. What a difference!! I got a near perfect blood free shave!!

So more testing is certainly warranted. :biggrin1:
Anyone else out there have opportunity to try out these new Orange Derby blades?

I am presently testing them in my Super Adjustable, and have so far gotten good quality shaves.

Muhle R89 + Orange Derby = BAD
Feather Portable + Orange Derby =good
Super Adjustable @3 + Orange Derby = good
Anyone else out there have opportunity to try out these new Orange Derby blades?
I have yet to try mine, as I've been sampling other blades. Just put an Astra SP in my HD today; I'll want at least 2 more shaves from it before I replace it. Perhaps I can move the Orange Derbys up in the sampling queue, and try one later this week.
Something about Derby has changed substantially. Used mine for the first time this week. Two SERIOUS weepers along with a three-pass shave that left substantial hair on my face. Recycle bin, a fresh gift from me! Thanks for the opportunity to try them but the left me wanting...and bleeding.
LOVE THEM!!! I have been getting my closest shaves starting with them. The only disappointing thing I have seen with them is the shave is so close that I find it difficult to shave the next day because of how little stubble I have. I don't see any difference with them from my 1st to my 3rd shave. They work great for me, but as always, YMMV.
I almost pulled the trigger on the Amazon deal for these. I wasn't sure if the blister (hang display card?) pack could be opened, and the box contained inside was the typical blade dispenser that could be stacked, stay sterile, etc. Is this the case?

As an aside, do these boxes have the disposal slot on their backside? Do any brands still do this anymore? I would just rather not have a soup-can on my vanity LOL. (all respect to the inventor...brilliant really)
Feather Portable w/ one shave old Orange Derby
Omega Boar Brush
Arko Moist SC
Generic Witch Hazel
Barbasol Pacific Rush AS

Out of curiosity, I decided to try the Orange Derby blade in my Feather Portable, instead of the Muhle R89 today. What a difference!! I got a near perfect blood free shave!!

So more testing is certainly warranted. :biggrin1:

Actually I was wondering what if any effect the razor itself was having on your shave. Perhaps you should try one in a superspeed and see what happens.


Wanting for wisdom
I understand that they have been especially designed to work with the New Williams Mug Shaving soap and Lilac Vegital aftershave.

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