Ok, another question; what does the comb do?
Ok, another question; what does the comb do?
My understanding is that the manufacturers moved to the closed comb because it is easier (cheaper) to produce.
Ok, another question; what does the comb do?
There are mild and aggressive razors in both open and closed comb. Open combs have a rep for being more aggressive but that's not always the case.
Most people suggest to start with a tech or a superspeed(both of which are closed comb) since they are abundant, cheap, and mild.
The only big difference is an open comb is better if you only shave every once in a while b/c it doesn't get clogged with hair as easy. If you are shaving every couple of days or less it really isn't going to make much difference.
I prefer an open comb most days.
My understanding is that the manufacturers moved to the closed comb because it is easier (cheaper) to produce.
A closed comb razor is also less susceptible to damage if dropped.
And there it is
the only reason we have safety bar razors at all today
When the razor was first made by Gillette it was a comb razor and for good reason - it worked well, then the bean counters got involved and we have safety bar razors