I wonder what everyone out there thinks - I am interested in trying an open-comb razor, as all the razors I have used to this point have a straight safety bar. So far I have used Merkur HD, Merkur Slant, Merkur Progress, '41 Gilette Super Speed, and Schick Injector (L1, I think). Now the 2 razors I have recently had my eyes on for an open-comb are the Merkur HD open comb
(11c, I think) and the Merkur 12c (longer barber pole handle).
Now, is the 11c much different than the original HD? It almost seems like buying it b/c it has the open comb might be somewhat of a waste. I was thinking of the 12c b/c it has the open comb, and a longer handle, and overall it is a heavier razor (it seems more signifcanlty different than any of the other razors I have used that it would justify the purchase).
Any and all opinions are very much appreciated. Thanks guys.
ps - any other razor recommendations, or advice about open combs in general would be great!
(11c, I think) and the Merkur 12c (longer barber pole handle).
Now, is the 11c much different than the original HD? It almost seems like buying it b/c it has the open comb might be somewhat of a waste. I was thinking of the 12c b/c it has the open comb, and a longer handle, and overall it is a heavier razor (it seems more signifcanlty different than any of the other razors I have used that it would justify the purchase).
Any and all opinions are very much appreciated. Thanks guys.
ps - any other razor recommendations, or advice about open combs in general would be great!