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Online ordering woes :

Turns out that while pipesandcigars.com carries a lot of awesome 'bacci, they hare based in Albany, NY. Since I am also in NY, and since this state sucks, I will get a 75% tax added to any pipe tobacco order I place with them. *sigh* So much for good prices on bulk leaf from them. :a52:
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That's not an online ordering woe, that's a living in an Anti Tobacco State woe.

Indeed it is, and naught I can really do to change anything about that. NY keeps going that way, and I'll happily move to another state. Not like we have really anything going for us, anyways. Even the weather sucks most of the time. lol
I feel your pain, Minnesota is a very ant-tobacco state as well. Of course there aren't any online shops in MN that I am aware of (Actually there is one but they only ship out of state, they won't sell to Minnesotans).
Road trip. You're a 2-hour drive from the Canadian side of Niagara Falls.

Is Tipsy McStaggers still in business?
Wow, that works out to be about the same as the extra tax when we order to Canada, the difference is that our product often slips through without being taxed (not because of illegal ordering or labeling, just because they don't have enough time to check all packages).
I guess the bright side is that there are dozens of places not in new york to order from :) and with competitive prices to boot!

Love the internet.
Yeah, we've been getting that short end for a long time now here.

I agree Rat, I've about had it with this state. Everyone keeps saying that they want change but nobody does anything about it. I moved the Carolinas for about 5 years but had to move back for family reasons. Aside from the heat in Charlotte, I would never think twice and move back if I could. Heck if feels like most of the NYS expats live in Charlotte now anyway.
It's really down to I'm tired of feeling like the gov has a desire to babysit me, and making me pay for the privilege of them doing so... But, I'll stop there since this thread is in the BL and not the Barbershop. lol

The issue was that I found the bulk blends the local B&M's sell that I love only on that one site based in NY, so I either pay the online tax, or the local tax. The online still maybe cheaper since they give me a break on the per ounce price if buying in bulk.
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