Greetings from Mendel!
In light of the fact that our shaving product preferences frequently are changing, this thread serves to seek your "one" favorite item in each of the categories below. I've listed mine as an example:
Brush (Badger):
Shavemac custom silvertip
Brush (Boar):
Semogue 1305
Gillette 7 o'clock black
Cadet closed comb with black handle (challenging my Weber Arc)
Soap (performance):
Klar Seifen Classic
Soap (scent):
RazoRock Don Marco
Cream (performance):
Nancy Boy Signature
Cream (scent):
Castle Forbes Lime
T & H 1805
Aftershave Balm:
Castle Forbes Lime
In light of the fact that our shaving product preferences frequently are changing, this thread serves to seek your "one" favorite item in each of the categories below. I've listed mine as an example:
Brush (Badger):
Shavemac custom silvertip
Brush (Boar):
Semogue 1305
Gillette 7 o'clock black
Cadet closed comb with black handle (challenging my Weber Arc)
Soap (performance):
Klar Seifen Classic
Soap (scent):
RazoRock Don Marco
Cream (performance):
Nancy Boy Signature
Cream (scent):
Castle Forbes Lime
T & H 1805
Aftershave Balm:
Castle Forbes Lime