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One year anniversary asessment

This month, I marked the one year anniversary of discovering, and joining B&B. I actually bought my first DE razor over 20 years ago as a collectible curiosity, and I failed miserably in my attempt to use it. So into the bathroom cabinet it went. Rediscovering the razor last year, piqued my interest again, and a internet search led me here.

Although my post count may not be prolific, I've thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this online community. A slave to the drudgery, and horror of shaving with an electric for far to long, I decided that a revisiting of wetshaving was in order. I'd always considered myself a bit of an anachronism, in high school in the late 80's I dressed 1950's etc. I'd always collected old stuff, now dubbed vintage, so I considered myself retro before the catchword even existed.

My point being, I feel like I fit right in with the community here, who appreciates, and endorses doing a common task in a rather uncommon manner. The bottom line is, I enjoy the task of shaving now, and yes somehow I did believe early on that I'd be saving money by not having to purchase Fusion carts etc....yeah, I believed that until the various AD's kicked in. So with that in mind I decided to do a one year in shave gear inventory.

Razors: Eleven

62 Gillette slim
51 Super speed
51 black tip SS
58 Blue tip
56 Red tip
75 Gillette 109
Blue Lady Gillette
Gem G-bar
Gem Contour II
Hoffritz slant

Brushes: Eight

Klenzo restore
Klenzo butterscotch
Ever ready 200T restore
Edwin Jagger Super Badger
Bullardo butterscotch
V.P. Boar
Ever ready 600N Nylon
Hoffritz travel brush restore


Vintage Yardley
1970's Old Spice
1940's Old Spice
C.E. Sienna
1970's Chicago SS
Ralph lauren Safari
5 Col Conk's various scents


TOBS St. James


155 Personna platinum chrome
85 Wilkinson Swords
50 Gem SE
15 Hoffritz
5 Sharks

Bowls-Mugs-Scuttles etc:

4 bowls
5 mugs
1 scuttle
2 barbicide jars


OS telescope
Dominica Bay Rum
Pinaud AS
osage rub
2 Aqua Velva's
Graphite blue
Lucky for men

I didn't even count the colognes, or the various boxes, racks, holders etc. for razor gear storage etc.

Whew.....that's it a year in. before I came here my batroom was just that, a bathroom...now it's called a shave den, so now I wonder what the two year anniversary inventory will be like? :thumbup:


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Sorry to hear about the slow start. But don't worry, I'm sure things will pick up in 2011. :lol:
Imagine that...you have 20 years of catching up to do :lol:. We better get out of your way...you're going to be on a roll :thumbup1:.

Better late than never. Welcome to B&B

Ohh...nice gear BTW.:thumbup:

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