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One and done

I get great shaves but it takes me about an hour every time. I'm a head shaver too. I have a thick, coarse, thick, tough, full, and thick beard. Anyone else?

I have grown to love my Gillette 7 o'clock Sharpedges (yellows). They give me great, clean, burn free shaves every time consistently.

I use the blade for only one shave and then its a new one for the next shave. If I use it more than once, I can painfully tell.

There are so many of us here that use their blade 3, 4, 5, times..... and more.

I wish I could but the excellent quality I get from one and done is all I care about after years of those horrible cartridges. I am really just posting to see how many others out there are in the "one and done" club.

I can't be alone.
There are some here who just use a blade once. The majority use a blade at least a couple of times, but you are not alone.
You are not alone that's for sure.. I have only 4 blades that last longer than one shave. The rest is a shave once and toss away affair.
Depends on the blade for me.
I use feathers and I can get 2 weeks worth of shaves (I don't shave on Saturday).
When I was using Derby's (boooo) then I could only get one shave.
For the price you don't really care too much.
I get one good shave on a cartridge, the 2nd gets worse as it goes along... so I use em once and chuck.

I'm getting 2 shaves on a DE, got 4 on the first injector blade (have the 2nd in there now), and so far have only shaved once with a SE so I can't say anything about longevity there.

DE blades are cheap enough to not be concerned with only getting a couple shaves on a blade.
I shave my head prob once every 6months and use clipper with no guard. But my hair is thick, wavy, and grows fast. Atleast i'll never go bald but i do require a haircut ever 2wks. If i used a blade on my head i'm sure i'd have to toss it after each use.
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