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OMG!!! Prices of XBox 360

I heard about it on the news yesterday. People were waiting in line for hours. Then this morning, I saw them on E-bay. People are making a killing selling these damn things. See for yourself.


Also, look at the listing from from highest to lowest price. :eek:

Note to self and everyone here: the next time a high-end video game system is coming out, pre-order about 20 units and then make a killing on Ebay. Then use your profits to buy all the shaving gear you've ever wanted. :biggrin:
That's the thing, is a lot of places taking pre-orders weren't guaranteeing their delivery until some time next year. It really is absurd.

roughrider said:
Scotto said:
I worked on the microprocessor in the XBox 360, and didn't even get a discount. :mad:
You don't become the richest man in the world by giving discounts. :biggrin:
Hmmm. Interesting thought there. I wonder if an MSRP was established and what it is/was.. Anyone have any idea?:sosp:
MSRPs were:

$399 with hard drive
$299 without

I have no idea what the stores are actually selling them for.
Scotto said:
MSRPs were:

$399 with hard drive
$299 without

I have no idea what the stores are actually selling them for.
Wow!:w00t: This item then is the I WANNA of this Christmas season just as Tickle Me Elmo was a couple of years back?
Note to self and everyone here: the next time a high-end video game system is coming out, pre-order about 20 units and then make a killing on Ebay. Then use your profits to buy all the shaving gear you've ever wanted. :biggrin:

That's going to be one massive acquisitions post!
I thought these things had been out for a few months. I dont understand why they are going for so much.

That's what I am trying to figure out. I thought the 360 came out in the spring. You would have thought the introduction of the Playstation3 and the Nintendo Wii would have lowered the demand for these.

By the way,
The buyer for the $10,000 x-box is no longer a registered Ebay user.
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