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Omega #48 vs #49

Omega #48 vs 49

  • #48

  • #49

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Just a wishful question. There must not be a huge difference between them, but I wish the biggest Omega available just for feeling purposes.

That said? Which one? #48 vs #49. Why?

The 10048 is a great brush. I certainly wouldn't call it floppy because the bristles are so stiff. As for comparing the two, I can't help you there because I've never owned a 10049, but I expect there's not much in it.
I use the Syntex version of the 49, so my results probably differ in terms of floppiness. But I will say I love the size and feel of this brush. It's great for face lathering, and the big handle is comfortable.
I have the 49. Never tried a 48. +1 on the large handle. Makes it easy to manage especially when I'm half asleep and I don't get lather all over my brush hand.
The 10048 is a great brush. I certainly wouldn't call it floppy because the bristles are so stiff. As for comparing the two, I can't help you there because I've never owned a 10049, but I expect there's not much in it.

I agree with both. I don't have a 48 and 49 so can't compare them. But I can verify that as hard it might be to believe the 48 is not at all floppy. I have high-end badger brushes with much, much shorter loft that are floppier than the Pro.
I used my 10083 brush twice after softening it for a weekend. It is merely a 49.
I have used a unique silvertip brush for more than 15 years and I got so used to it that I was not able to perceive its defects.
I wanted to try boars and big. I am happy so far.
That made me think of 48 & 49 just for the naive feling of the biggest one available.
i've only used the 48 (of these two options). it's quite large, but not floppy in my experience. i like how it quickly covers a lot of area on my face without much effort. also it has great reach for bowl lathering if you're into that.
I own a Pro 48, but have never tried the Pro 49. The Pro 48 loft is slightly longer, and is not floppy at all. The Pro 49 comes in different handle colors. I prefer the Pro 48 because it is the one used by barbers. Both of them are very inexpensive.
I have both and prefer the #49. The loft of the #48 is just a leetle too much. For what they charge for them I'd get both and give one to a friend.


The wife's investment
I would imagine there just aren't that many fellows that have both. Most of us probably have one or the other and made the decision on which we preferred before we bought. I have the 49 and like it. I looked over a 48 and put it back on the shelf, but never used one other than the time I had a straight shave in Taormina, Sicily where the barber used a 48.
I voted 49. I had a 48 a few years ago, and didn't have the patience to let it get well broken in. The 49 is fully broken in, so I voted 49. I love it.
I have the 83 and it seems pretty big, I can't imagine wanting to go bigger but there's plenty of people who love them.
I prefer the Omega 10083: Ht: 128 mm Loft: 64 mm Base: 64 mm Knot: 26 mm. It has slightly smaller knot and builds tons of beautiful lather with one good swirl--enough for three passes, but add a little hot water to the base of the brush, swirl it in the air, and lather for your next pass--great brush and I love the feel of the handle. I face lather only and this brush is excellent for face lathering. I had a 48 and 49 but found them a bit too much brush for me.
I prefer the Omega 10083: Ht: 128 mm Loft: 64 mm Base: 64 mm Knot: 26 mm. It has slightly smaller knot and builds tons of beautiful lather with one good swirl--enough for three passes, but add a little hot water to the base of the brush, swirl it in the air, and lather for your next pass--great brush and I love the feel of the handle. I face lather only and this brush is excellent for face lathering. I had a 48 and 49 but found them a bit too much brush for me.

I've got the 20107 with almost the exact same measurements, and I love face lathering with this monster. Granted, my beard may be a little larger than most (My neck beard stops right around my ankles), but I can load enough for 3+ passes on a puck in one loading with this thing.
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