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Old World Charm and Class

I was touring some friends from outside the US around Cambridge, today, Sunday September 27, and took them to the remarkable Colonial Drug, the amazing resource for DE shavers , which is opened every Sunday. My friends were impressed -- an Aussie and a Japanese organic food merchant -- and bought some hard-to-find items to take home as gifts. Of course it was hard for me to resist making a purchase, so I selected a Tabac refill puck and some triple-milled bath soaps for my wife.

Brought the items to the counter to check out & I had forgotten that they still don't accept credit cards. The proprietor said: "Well we will take a check or you can take this envelope and send us a check."!! Truly, they didn't know me, but figured a shave soap buyer must be an honest guy, and in fact that is the policy there -- either pay with cash or check, or send us the payment when you get home. So I took my goods and will send a check!

That's class. Old world products and old world service.

They are planning to have their ecommerce site up & running later this year, accepting credit card payments, and offering free shipping. In the meantime, if in the Boston/Cambridge area, please patronize this great shop that appears to have survived the test of time and brings to the 21st century real 19th century class.
Never been there, but I LOVE to hear of places that still operate like that. Too rare nowadays.

Next time I'm up that way I will stop in and see them, with some cash in my pocket, of course. :biggrin:
That's great, it's nice to hear that some people still have faith in one another now days. Next time I'm in the area I'll definitely stop in.
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