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WTB Old Spice

Looking for help finding a certain Old Spice Mug. Please see the pic below of the mug. This mug has the lip/ring at the top. Thank you in advance for any help and please feel free to message me if you have any other Old Spice items you might want to part with.
I'll look around the secondhand stores today and may I make a suggestion? I would have posted Old Spice Mug. When I read your header, I thought you wanted aftershave. Just a thought.
Does it have to have the ring? I have seen these.
I have the ringless, smooth top edge. The smooth one that looks like this that I have in my Den was actually my Great Grandfathers. I have yet to find the one with the ring/lip at the top. This is the last one I need to complete my American Old Spice Mug collection. Not really trying to collect all of their international mugs, but would love to find the Blue Wade one with the matching lid someday.

Thank you for asking. Also open to Old Spice oddities and vintage Cologne/After Shave if you or anyone already has some that they are looking to part with. Really enjoy the scent and using it.
I'll check my Indoor Flea markets when I have time this week. I have never seen used aftershaves as I look for those all the time. They're on Central Ave the old Route 66. A few weeks ago in this area the Chief of police was going to an early breakfast with his wife. He happened to see a guy with a gun and panicking floored the vehicle going through a red light and totaling a restored 1966 restored Mustang. Only in Albuquerque.


Thinking of Ricardo Montalban
I'm on the bay every day @SmokedStanley , so I'll keep an eye open and if I see one, I'll let you know. Be aware that the first Wheaton Glass Company mug that was made for Old Spice actually has three variants, from left to right: 1. Rounded foot at bottom with no printing. 2. Rounded foot with printing. 3) Standard foot with printing.

1. Rounded foot at bottom with no printing.
Thanks for the help. The one you messaged me on back at the beginning of December, 373961054997 with the no writing on the bottom is still on Ebay, but I refuse to pay $33 for an Old Spice Mug. Someone will probably grab it eventually but I do not even pay close to that when they have the lid and soap included. How is your hunt going for the six you said you were still looking for.


Thinking of Ricardo Montalban
He definitely wants too much for that mug. He also has a 'make an offer' option on the listing, but he won't consider offers - go figure.

I just picked up a few more Old Spice items for the collection, but there's always more cool stuff out there looking for a home. Here's hoping the Hull Pottery mug I pointed out to you a while back was the one that you were looking for.

I'm going to go through storage this week to see if I have another round-footed mug like the one on the left. Hopefully, I will have some success.
He definitely wants too much for that mug. He also has a 'make an offer' option on the listing, but he won't consider offers - go figure.

I just picked up a few more Old Spice items for the collection, but there's always more cool stuff out there looking for a home. Here's hoping the Hull Pottery mug I pointed out to you a while back was the one that you were looking for.

I'm going to go through storage this week to see if I have another round-footed mug like the one on the left. Hopefully, I will have some success.
Agreed, I tried offering $1 less and was denied so I just stopped. I did get the Hull pottery mug you mentioned and also found another on facebook so I ended up with two in the same week. Thanks again for the help
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