Got a couple of tubes of Shulton Old Spice shave cream and man I am in heaven Love the smell and it works very well. Guess I have to order some more befor PG puts them out of commission
Yep, good stuff and one tube lasts a long time. This goes to show you how shaving products are priced like anything else. If they know they can get X amount $ out of the majority then it is priced accordingly. My point is on these OS packaging the suggested retail price is about $1.00 USD in India and then the mark ups as it goes through a number of hands and even at that it is still reasonable compared to say $15.00 - $20.00 or more to a tube or tub of fancy smancy brands.
I used Old Spice Lime this morning and I wasn't impressed. It wasn't bad, but wasn't great either. The scent was probably my favorite attribute. I will mess around some more with it, but I guess my expectations were pretty high having used OS vintage soap on a somewhat regular basis.