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Old Spice Brand

I have been sporting the Family Dollar knock-off version of Old Spice. It was very nice, but for some reason I have been craving the brand-name. Now I know they changed the formulation, but the heart wants what it wants.

I tried to fight it and was looking at their website, which almost embarrassed me out of wanting it (very much geared towards the younger culture--now I am in that demographic but prefer old-fashined image), but when I went to the store to buy some frozen pizza I couldn't resist. So now I have in my possession the Aftershave and the Cologne. I'm very happy with the purchase, and relegated the generic Spice to under the sink.

For laughs, here's the website in case you haven't seen it.

The Old Spice site is full of fun. I need me a couple of these sweet T-shirts!
New OS isn't BAD, it just isn't old Old Spice.
I tried the knock-off for a few days; had to splash a lot on, as it's sort of weak. It smelled pretty good but I've gone back to the P&G brand, which I much prefer. I use the cologne moderately as an AS and it smells really nice; much better than the actual after-shave. It lasts all day on me and after the dry-down, is very much Old Spice. I also have a great deal of the Shulton old stock but find myself wearing P&G more and more. The Old Spice web site is very funny. Someone there has a great sense of humor. I actually ordered a couple of things from their store; a "vintage" baseball cap and the belt buckle. Very cool. Looks like the clipper ship is making a comeback!
I've given up the P&G stuff in favor of the Dollar Store variety. What Old Spice does have going for it is an outstanding series of Bruce Campbell commercials.
I couldn't believe when that guy floated up on his throne with a pile of money and flapping wallets for flight...:bored:

Still, I love OS!
the old spice classic body wash is great. i've never smelled the original stuff but to me the knock off does smell better but definately doesn't last as long.
The Vi-Jonn clone is definitely more subdued, but I still fancy it over the "real" and "current" Old Spice. Hell, I'm almost at the point where I fancy the generic more than the Shulton. :eek:

I do wish that Vi-Jonn/Phoenix Labs would consider coming out with a slightly stronger EdC version of the aftershave. But att that price, you could keep a bottle of the generic stuff in your car, work, and home and splash some on accordingly. (I'm not going to admit that I do this with Brut Splash On, so...) :biggrin:
Was never a huge fan of Old Spice (I preferred Brut and Denim back in those days:laugh:).

But I loved that website!!!!! It made me want to buy stuff.
I've given up the P&G stuff in favor of the Dollar Store variety. What Old Spice does have going for it is an outstanding series of Bruce Campbell commercials.

I loved those commercials!

Anyone notice how every scent "Smells like Freedom"! I like the smell of freedom, maybe I should pick some up.
I wonder if Vi-Jon is public. I would buy stock. Nice under-the-radar operation they have going on there. Their stuff is in CVS, Family Dollars and discount drugstores all over the country.

The financial advisors always say to "buy what you like" and I really like their "Brisk" aftershave Skin Bracer knock-off.

Hey Rob, any idea of they make the Barbasol aftershaves? It wouldn't surprise me.. as the Barbasol "Brisk" was identical to my nose.
I wonder if Vi-Jon is public. I would buy stock. Nice under-the-radar operation they have going on there. Their stuff is in CVS, Family Dollars and discount drugstores all over the country.

The financial advisors always say to "buy what you like" and I really like their "Brisk" aftershave Skin Bracer knock-off.

Hey Rob, any idea of they make the Barbasol aftershaves? It wouldn't surprise me.. as the Barbasol "Brisk" was identical to my nose.

I did a little digging the other day on them.


It looks like for investment purposes they are a part of Berkshire Partners LLC

Hey Rob, any idea of they make the Barbasol aftershaves? It wouldn't surprise me.. as the Barbasol "Brisk" was identical to my nose.

I have a Kroger brand Brisk (I think that's what it is) that has Vi-Jon on the bottom of the bottle.

I also have one of the Barbasol aftershaves that has Vi-Jon on the bottom of the bottle. Pacific Rush I think it is.
I love that Barbarsol Brisk that is green it will knock your socks off. :biggrin:

Can't wait to payday to make a Workingmans AS Run.
I have to admit that I really like the current Old Spice lineup. I have the deodorant, AS and body wash for both the Classic and Fresh scents. I like being able to coordinate in this way.

Similarly I have the Brut AS and deo but they don't make a body wash. I had to search 5 Walgreens/Rite-Aids to find that Brut deo.
I picked up several bottles of the current "classic" cologne when they were being closed out at some grocery stores in my area...for two bucks a throw, how can you not?

It's much more powdery, slightly brighter and more floral than the older Shulton I've tried.

I use it to add to glycerin soaps when I melt them, and have a cheap spray bottle full of the stuff. It gets duty on the weekends, at night before bed and sometimes gets used as a room scent.

I have two bottles of the vintage AS and one of the cologne. I use the Vi-Jon AS most days.

Last night was an Old Spice night for my shave. Fat handled Tech and a Shark blade, Delong badger brush.

Used original scent OS shaving cream from India. That's pretty good stuff.

Finished out with some vintage AS, followed that with an application of vintage shaving talc, and then hit the new cologne in the spray bottle just a touch too hard to annoy the wife. She liked it anyway. :tongue:

One of the great shames of my shaving career was ditching a fairly substantial remnant of the original OS soap that was left in an OS shaving mug...I figured new soap had to be better...:eek:
I picked up several bottles of the current "classic" cologne when they were being closed out at some grocery stores in my area...for two bucks a throw, how can you not?

After reading of all the changes to OS I was in Wal-Mart last night and decided to give the new plastic bottles Old Spice AS as sniff.......HOLY CAKE!! It smells weird! Almost a sickening sweet smell to it nowadays. I will have to say to my nose the ViJon Ivory Club is at least five times better.
I know for a fact that Vi-Jon makes the K-Mart version of Head and Shoulders and wouldn't be surprised to find out that they make Wal Marts version as well. I've used their Germ-X hand sanitizer and like it a lot.
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