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Old School Beards? Moustaches?

I'm talking things like handlebars, Scottish moustaches, and chops. Anyone keep a well-groomed beard or moutache of the old school variety?

I am unable to grow a full beard. What I have is splotchy and not full. I await the day I am actually able to grow something. I'm planning on Scottish moustache.
Scottish moustache? Right now I am growing my moustache and goatee long. I am contemplating shaving the goatee and leaving the fu manchu style moustache. I've always like how they looked. The last time I tried all my hair was too short and thin and I looked weird w/ just a thin moustached so I shaved everything and then started over.

I grew a beard in 2002 or 2003 and my wife did not like it at all. In late 2004 I was messing around w/ my facial hair again. What I ended up w/ was a moustache, goatee, bottom part of a beard and a vertical strip up to my sideburns. It looked like an anchor. Again, my wife didn't like it, but I did. Plus, I was very disgruntled at work and this was my infantile way of rocking the boat.
clean shaven myself, but my old Squadron Leader (and i'm only talking a couple of years go here), had the full on Jimmy Edwards handlebar style (google image him if not known). needless to say we were in awe!! it used to be very 'royal air force', but alas those days are going fast!
Well, I did...temporarily. When I learned the joy of DE shaving, my beard came off...





I'm in the process of growing mutton chops, gonna see how that goes. I haven't had a beard in probably 4-5 years, and I never really let it get too long, mainly because it's so curly. I have wavy brown hair on my head, but my beard is curly, red/blonde so it gets pretty unruly.

I'm giving it a month.
I did the same thing. Although before I found the joy of DE shaving. Starting to get warm so I shaved a little bit off every other day. $ImageUploadedByTapatalk1405107847.382810.jpg$ImageUploadedByTapatalk1405107887.278144.jpg$ImageUploadedByTapatalk1405107949.007851.jpg$ImageUploadedByTapatalk1405107995.397699.jpg


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What does one consider "Old School"? Is a pencil mustache straight from the 1930s old school enough, or does one have to go back to the 1800s to be considered old school?

I wear a pencil mustache.
Here is my old school handlebar stache while holding my son in the hospital over this past weekend. I must say I do get a lot of compliments and the police don't pull me over haha
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