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Old Personna Blade ID?

I found a pack of old stainless steel Personna blades a couple months back at a flea market. Used one for the first time today and man what a shave! This is a smooth and sharp blade. The first couple WTG strokes I had to stop and check my angle with my Gillette NEW because it didn't feel like I was cutting anything. Sure enough it was deftly slicing through the stubble. Most blades give me a good bit of chatter when I try to go ATG in the NEW due to the blade exposure, but with this blade I was buffing my upper lip and chin like I was shaving with a Feather AS-D1 razor.

I have got to find more of these! Definitely one of the smoothest shave's I've had yet. Can anyone help narrow down what model of Personna they are so I can try to search out more NOS? The blade indicates it was made in Great Britain. 5 blades packaged in a blue case with a clear cover. Each blade is wrapped in the outer white labeled paper you see below and then an inner thin paper with After Shave After printed all over it.


People have raved about the Personna 74 blade being an awesome blade, I wonder if this is the British version of it?

I have a few 74's I've yet to try, along with some Gillette Spoilers.
A Persona blade similar to that one was in a Super Speed I bought at a antique store. I had them throw the blade away becasue i dont want a used blade. I have no clue on what type of Persona that is though.
FYI, my first blade from the pack is on it's 6th shave today and still going strong. 2 pass DFS with some cleanup and not a single nick or tug.
Those blades are from the mid to late 60's. Here is a 1966 injector commercial with that style of logo. Interestingly, some blades were from the UK, and some were from the US. There are commercials online (not on youtube, but an advertising site) that reference british steel being used in some of the blades, I believe.

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