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Old dog, new trick

I have been shaving the same way for over 40 years. I live in an old house where indoor plumbing was an afterthought, consequently, my water heater is in an enclosure outside. Two days ago we had a hailstorm with terrific winds which, I later learned, blew out my water heater. So, I had to shave with cold water for the first time.

I had read posts from fellows who extolled the virtues of cold water shaving on here but never paid attention, till now. Yesterday I was surprised to find that I accomplished with two passes what it normally takes me three to attain. I tried it again this morning and the results were the same.

I find it uncomfortable and can't imagine what it will be like in the winter months but I think there is something to it and expect to give it a go for a while.


The Lather Maestro
I never did the super-hot or ice shaves. But in the winter I use warm tap water, in the summer cool tap water. I notice no effects on the shave, but it's always comfortable. I think temperature is more of a personal comfort thing than a shaving efficacy thing.
Tried the cold water shave a couple of times - didn't work for me. My beard needs the heat to soften it up. I usually heat water in a tea-kettle and then pour it in my bowl that I soak brush and rinse razor in. I dip the tips of my brush/lather in the hot water which makes/keeps my lather hot. Kudo's to those that the cold water shave works on. Envy you and sometimes I wish it would work for me. Enjoy
(P.S. I do do a cold water rinse at end of shave and it feels good.)
I did the cold water shave in my youth, during camping weekends. No more for me! I highly prefer the comfort of warm water :wink2:
I've been doing just cold water shaves since Dec. it's not so bad and I live in Michigan. In fact I now prefer cold water to hot . I get worlds better shaves.
Congratulations on trying something New!!

Well, It wasn't an act of volition. I really had no choice at the time or I never would have considered it.
Perhaps it was because slapping a cold wet brush against your cheeks really gets your attention and I was no longer shaving by rote like I normally do. This time I was awake.

I woke up this morning
with the cold water
with the cold water
with the cold water
Woke up this morning
with the cold water
with the cold water
with the cold............................Tom Waits
I gave cold water shaving a shot twice. Neither time was any better than a warm shave for me. There wasn't much of a difference in the process of shaving, but I had a slight bit more irritation on the cold water days vs my usual warm routine. Despite that, I may take up cold water shaving more often once it gets hotter this summer. A cold water rinse is always part of my shave routine and it is quite refreshing.
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