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OK to post link to for sale item?

Is it OK to post a link to an external site for selling an item? I have a shaving item I want to sell but can't post to the BST forum. I think it's because I don't have enough posts (28) yet or something.

I don't believe so. I would either wait until you've got enough posts to add to the BST forum, or go hit up reddit's shave bazaar, which is set up for anyone to do that sort of thing.


My elbows leak
Staff member

Eligibility to sell/trade: Participation in the community at Badger and Blade is a requirement to sell items or to participate in a trade. Sellers/traders must be members of B&B for at least 45 days and have contributed a minimum of 50 quality posts on this site in order to qualify to sell or trade. The vast majority of a member's posts should be in the core areas of B&B.


Just because it's being sold somewhere else doesn't relieve the requirement that in order to sell or trade here in any fashion whatsoever, you must be a member for 45 days and have 50 quality posts in the core areas of the forum.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
I think the mere fact that you asked meant you truly knew the answer to that one.
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