Maybe a silly question do you have to oil the blade after each shave
I did not get the oil yet
I did not get the oil yet
Nah, just wipe it off and let it dry before putting it away. Eventually you'll get sick of oiling it, wiping the oil off, stropping, shaving, oiling...
The only razors I've encountered that stain quickly are Thiers Issards.
Nah, just wipe it off and let it dry before putting it away. Eventually you'll get sick of oiling it, wiping the oil off, stropping, shaving, oiling...
after having one of my razors stain rather badly even though I though I had dried it thoroughly, I now use a bit of Carnelia oil after each use. Of course, I do live in a rather high humidity part of the country. This is the type of oil used for centuries on Samari swords. Have never had a problem since.
Nah, just wipe it off and let it dry before putting it away. Eventually you'll get sick of oiling it, wiping the oil off, stropping, shaving, oiling...
The only razors I've encountered that stain quickly are Thiers Issards.
My rotation is close to 100 straights, some of which get used as little as once a year. What's more, I live in Boston within sight of the Atlantic - it gets quite humid here. Wiping off all excess moisture after use and allowing the razor to dry over night has proven 100% adequate. (That includes a new production TI which started to stain before I could finish honing it.)
If you are really that concerned about your razor staining, why not just apply Tuf Glide once or twice a year instead of oil every time you use it?