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Ogallala Lime and Peppercorns

All the Ogallala are on the sweet side, probably the sweetest of the Bay Rums out there. This and the Sage and Cedar are slightly less sweet than the others and this definitely has a hint of lime though I've never noticed much in the way of peppercorn. If you want a sweet Bay Rum with a touch of citrus this would be for you.
I would say it's even more than a hint on the lime/citrus side, not a bad thing, mind you. I like to mix it in a 40/60 ratio to captain's choice to cut the sweet a bit, myself. If you are a Bay Rum fan it's well worth getting at least a sample size to check out. Like the whole Ogallala line, it's a quality product.
All the Ogallala products are great. I've used the Lime and Peppercorn for about 10 days straight now and love it.
I like it alot too, problem is that it fades very quickly. I'd say it is the shortest lived AS out of all the Ogallala products.
heavy on the lime, light on the peppercorn but it is very nice. remember to give it a good shake before you use it and you'll notice the scent says around for longer.

i may have to add a peppercorn to the bottle - I like pepper.
This is perhaps my favorite Bay Rum -- preferred to the sandalwood from Ogallala, but that might be a personal preference. I will also mix some of this with a few menthol drops to give me a special summer blend.
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