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NYC Kitchen Stores

I've seen a bunch of people saying they were in Manhattan (or one of the other 'burbs of NYC) and picked up some new kitchen gadgets or something, but rarely do you say what stores. My sister lives in the Upper West Side, so I am up there at least four or five times a year to see my niece. Can you NYC-frequenters please give me a list of kitchen shops so I can start stocking my mess hall appropriately? Thanks!
Specifically, what are you looking for? I am fortunate enough to have a restaurant supply close by (in Southfield) that has some of the lowest prices around. They ship too.
JB Prince is a good place for quality tools. Tons of places in the bowery for lower end stuff.

Capt what is the place by you?
I'm not looking for anything specific. I'm in the "rebuilding" phase, after a divorce. I am purchasing a new house (settling soon, hopefully) and will be looking to start stocking the cabinets with items that "she" took... besides, shopping is part of the fun! I love to just walk through kitchen stores and drool at all the gadgets and such.

I'll check out that website, Capt. Thanks!
Wow, I know EXACTLY where that Southfield store is! I went to college at LTU on 10 Mile, so I know that area very well. When I go home to visit my parents at Christmas, I'll have to detour off 75. Been a while since I've been back on campus, too... sounds like a good plan to me. Thanks, Capt!
I'm in the "rebuilding" phase, after a divorce.

Damn, we have a lot in common! hahaha

Been there done that. Just let me tell you, the second time around is much better! My wife now is probably one of the coolest chicks I have ever met. Anyway, good luck with yourkitchen shopping. Wait until you walk in that store, better take a towel to catch your drool.....:drool:
BTW, I love your avatar. When I worked private EMS in Detroit, I heard the motto, "We are here to care for you, not about you".


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
The Broadway Panhandler, Chinatown, JB Prince, and for the upper west side- Zabar's.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Hung Chong Imports, 14 Bowery. A mecca for cheap items- woks, cleavers, oddball stuff.
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