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Number / Number?

I keep seeing various brusher referred to as a "Simpson 1/1" or a "Rooney 3/2".

I've looked at the stickies here and in the newbie forum, and searched around a bit, but can't find any indication of what the numbers represent.

Any ideas?
Usually don't see Simpsons refered to as a 1/1, maybe a Chubby 1 or a Duke 2. In that case the number refers to the size.

With Rooneys it is Style/Size. So in your example it would be a Rooney Style 3 Size 2.
I just got the numbering system figured out in the last couple of days.

Consider yourself smarter than I... you had the gumption to ask! :thumbup:
While you are poking around that site Huntmol just linked.. have your credit card ready.

:lol: +1 :lol:

There have definitely been a few times when I went to Jim's site just to "check up" on his inventory, and somehow found myself at the checkout page buying a new brush!
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