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Now the cat is really out if the bag.

Was bobbing along today at the antique fair finding a lot of nothing which was surprising when I happened upon this vendor and thought well crap there goes the secret! Lol. Everything was $30-$50 and $150 for the cased Fatboy to give you the general idea of the prices. Ouch. The vendor has been collecting for couple years and wife has told him to off them. This is half his collection. Can't help but think these prices are better suited for eBay than the Antique fair while at the same time sort of defeats his future picking when he's advertising these prices. Nice guy and I wished him luck.


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It's sad that I justify my RAD by saying I should buy now before prices go really nuts. In 10 years, a #66 could be a couple grand.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Usually folks at antique fairs negotiate, he could have them marked up so he doesn't take a big hit when folks talk him down.

I think I see a VDH boar brush in the mix, surely he's not asking $30 for that :lol:
Wow the stall looks good! :D Shame hes probably not going to sell much.

It did indeed. Everything was in A+ shape as he got everything cleaned up & shiny. It was obvious he took pride in everything he sold. Just a little high in prices but a nice guy. Now if that Fatboy had been for $50 we would have been talking and I would have been broke!:biggrin1:
Most of those uncased razors maybe 10-20 each maybe 50 on the cased SA but those stand alone Autostrops go for 5 on the 'Bay.
Since it sounds SWMBO was making him offload then maybe he figures pricing them way up he can do the "geeze honey I tried but they just won't sell."
I'm the vendor in question. Not worried about picking; dealers know that specialists can get much better prices than folks with random piles. Other dealers are actually bringing their stuff to me, since they don't want to go through the trouble of shining them up and building a clientele. General public brings me stuff, too. Got one lady who's bringing me what sounds like a Slim Aristocrat from her description. Says her dad used it once, and cut himself so he stuck it in the box and went back to his electric.

I am sorry that I'm wrecking the picking for rxonmymind, though. Might be hard to find stuff locally when I'm at all the shows at 5:30am and the dealers are holding their good stuff under the table for me.

I think I see a VDH boar brush in the mix, surely he's not asking $30 for that

Nah, Those are $1-3. I only have them because people keep insisting on including them when they sell me a boxed lot of stuff. So I have dozens of the things. I give them a quick de-soaping and a once over with plastic polish on the handle while I'm doing other brushes, so it doesn't take much time. Only people who buy them are someone looking for a broken-in starter brush, or someone looking for a display piece. Sold 5 of them today. Other vintage brushes go for $12-25, and the nicer handles get new knots, going for anywhere from $50-$100. I've got a minty Dubl Duck that's getting a Silvertip this week. Might have a hard time letting go of that one.

Same with the Autostrops. I think my most expensive one's $4. But they're relatively shiny, thanks to the magic of ultrasonic cleaning. Those go as display pieces to people who know nothing about shaving. One lady bought one to turn into jewelry. Go figure.

Techs start at $12, most expensive one's $95, but that's a gorgeous silverplate in a very nice case. I'm only selling ones that are in great shape, too. Excessive plate wear or a cracked handle gets it put in the parts box, not on the table. That Fatboy's the nicest one I've ever seen and had it not been coated in soap scum when I bought it, I'd swear it was unused. I don't mind hanging on to it for a while, as it makes the other stuff look cheap by comparison and helps re-inforce the impression that I know what I'm doing. Someone nearly bought it today, and I was actually starting to worry I was going to lose it.

Wow the stall looks good! :D Shame hes probably not going to sell much.

Thanks, I appreciate the comment on the stall. Selling much hasn't been a problem, and I'm not expecting to sell any of the loose stuff to collectors. I'm selling to shavers, and mostly people new to the hobby. The hipster crowd can't get enough of them, and when folks compare them to the $100 Merkur they saw at Art Of Shaving last week, they're all over it. And they've also seen the same stuff cheaper elsewhere, but would much rather spend the extra money with me when they know I've checked them, meticulously cleaned & oiled them, and all they need to do is take them home and start shaving. I even throw in some Astra blades for them to get going. They figure they can spend $40 on a slim with me, or $15 for a dirty one that might not work right around the corner.

I must have introduced 20 people to the hobby today.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I'm the vendor in question. Not worried about picking; dealers know that specialists can get much better prices than folks with random piles. Other dealers are actually bringing their stuff to me, since they don't want to go through the trouble of shining them up and building a clientele. General public brings me stuff, too. Got one lady who's bringing me what sounds like a Slim Aristocrat from her description. Says her dad used it once, and cut himself so he stuck it in the box and went back to his electric.

I am sorry that I'm wrecking the picking for rxonmymind, though. Might be hard to find stuff locally when I'm at all the shows at 5:30am and the dealers are holding their good stuff under the table for me.

Nah, Those are $1-3. I only have them because people keep insisting on including them when they sell me a boxed lot of stuff. So I have dozens of the things. I give them a quick de-soaping and a once over with plastic polish on the handle while I'm doing other brushes, so it doesn't take much time. Only people who buy them are someone looking for a broken-in starter brush, or someone looking for a display piece. Sold 5 of them today. Other vintage brushes go for $12-25, and the nicer handles get new knots, going for anywhere from $50-$100. I've got a minty Dubl Duck that's getting a Silvertip this week. Might have a hard time letting go of that one.

Same with the Autostrops. I think my most expensive one's $4. But they're relatively shiny, thanks to the magic of ultrasonic cleaning. Those go as display pieces to people who know nothing about shaving. One lady bought one to turn into jewelry. Go figure.

Techs start at $12, most expensive one's $95, but that's a gorgeous silverplate in a very nice case. I'm only selling ones that are in great shape, too. Excessive plate wear or a cracked handle gets it put in the parts box, not on the table. That Fatboy's the nicest one I've ever seen and had it not been coated in soap scum when I bought it, I'd swear it was unused. I don't mind hanging on to it for a while, as it makes the other stuff look cheap by comparison and helps re-inforce the impression that I know what I'm doing. Someone nearly bought it today, and I was actually starting to worry I was going to lose it.

Thanks, I appreciate the comment on the stall. Selling much hasn't been a problem, and I'm not expecting to sell any of the loose stuff to collectors. I'm selling to shavers, and mostly people new to the hobby. The hipster crowd can't get enough of them, and when folks compare them to the $100 Merkur they saw at Art Of Shaving last week, they're all over it. And they've also seen the same stuff cheaper elsewhere, but would much rather spend the extra money with me when they know I've checked them, meticulously cleaned & oiled them, and all they need to do is take them home and start shaving. I even throw in some Astra blades for them to get going. They figure they can spend $40 on a slim with me, or $15 for a dirty one that might not work right around the corner.

I must have introduced 20 people to the hobby today.
Welcome to B&B!

They include those VDH brushes because they have since found something much better no doubt. I started with a VDH boar and used it for 8 months to a year. I was given a Semogue by a member here and gave the VDH away.
I think this is proof that our "hobby" is growing by leaps and bounds. 20 people today, from just you alone. granted some wont stick with it, but those that do will undoubtedly contribute to the wet shaving economy and culture.

It sounds like you are having no trouble selling your items which is great. I want that Gillette display case.
Thanks for sharing your story. Very interesting and Welcome to B&B. For a newbie, I can see the value in buying a cleaned razor in person and getting indispensable start up advice at the same time. I pretty much destroyed my first two vintage razors by boiling them in a concentrated bleach, dish soap and CLR solution for 20 minutes. I even destroyed the brand new cookware pan that I used. Then I found B&B and learned the safe way to clean them.
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Long time lurker, have avoided the time suck that's sure to result from posting until now, but when I saw my stuff I had to create an account and comment.

Yeah, the case is pretty sweet. Was in rough shape when I picked it up, needed a restoration. Looking for more, but haven't seen them, just the 60's blue & cream plastic ones.

I have a VDH I use as my travel brush. Nice size, boar dries fast, and I won't be heartbroken when I leave it in a hotel room.

Side note, there's a lot of vendors that retail that same brush. Surrey is probably the most common after VDH. Probably made overseas for whitelabel purposes.
Long time lurker, have avoided the time suck that's sure to result from posting until now, but when I saw my stuff I had to create an account and comment.

Yeah, the case is pretty sweet. Was in rough shape when I picked it up, needed a restoration. Looking for more, but haven't seen them, just the 60's blue & cream plastic ones.

I have a VDH I use as my travel brush. Nice size, boar dries fast, and I won't be heartbroken when I leave it in a hotel room.

Side note, there's a lot of vendors that retail that same brush. Surrey is probably the most common after VDH. Probably made overseas for whitelabel purposes.

Just my two cents.... I frequent antique stores now since becoming a wet-shaver. Based on what you have responded with about lurking for a while and people giving you stuff and other dealers holding out for you, I feel you've gained an unfair advantage and using to your own need. I don't mean to come off as a jerk, but you felt compelled to create an account and defend yourself. You claim to be a 'specialist' and from the photos it seems that you just sell shave gear. I feel you could help the wet shaving community by passing on your great deals and not making such a profit. I picked up a pretty nice cased FB at a big market for $22 and would never think to turn around and charge somebody $150 for it. I know I'm going to catch heat for this, but I think your trying to cash in on a trend.
Just my two cents.... I frequent antique stores now since becoming a wet-shaver. Based on what you have responded with about lurking for a while and people giving you stuff and other dealers holding out for you, I feel you've gained an unfair advantage and using to your own need. I don't mean to come off as a jerk, but you felt compelled to create an account and defend yourself. You claim to be a 'specialist' and from the photos it seems that you just sell shave gear. I feel you could help the wet shaving community by passing on your great deals and not making such a profit. I picked up a pretty nice cased FB at a big market for $22 and would never think to turn around and charge somebody $150 for it. I know I'm going to catch heat for this, but I think your trying to cash in on a trend.
Are you trolling or do you not believe in the American way?
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