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NOVEMBER Tabula Gratulatoria

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* tdmsu, lovely shot!

* Soren, fantastic pic and colours, my friend!

* Matt, wow, an injector! Great pic!

* moostachio, very nice picture and welcome to the SOTD and the forum!

* Bill, lovely pic!

* Bob, very nice!

* John, great B&W!

* Hrvoje, superb pic, my friend! I didn't know you guys celebrated Halloween in Croatia! :biggrin1:

* dr_mancha, linda foto!

* Doug, excellent pic!

* mcdidher, very nice!

* mielbadger, lovely photo and welcome to the SOTD!

* Jim, great pic!

* Shawn, fantastic photo!

* Juan, hermosa foto, amigo mio! It good to see you posting again! :biggrin1:

* Chris, lovely B&W!

* Matjaz, wonderful photo, my friend!
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Stu, lovely pic, my friend! It has been awhile
Thanks Celestion.

The way the NHS and work has been it's all go. Late nights and early mornings.

Anyhow as for SOD, what can I say. Another week of superb pics and set ups. Must say that Polerouter and you Celestino are getting some great snaps. others include,


Dr Dulcarma



and this colourful shot,

great photos to start off november!! I am blown away by the pictures and set-ups in this thread. Special thanks to the gentlemen who post daily. Its so nice to see amazing shaves combined with your personal photographic style! keep em comin!! :thumbup:
great photos to start off november!! I am blown away by the pictures and set-ups in this thread. Special thanks to the gentlemen who post daily. Its so nice to see amazing shaves combined with your personal photographic style! keep em comin!! :thumbup:

* Chris, I hope you also keep posting your pics. Thanks for contributing!
* tdmsu, very nice photo!

* Soren, excellent pic!

* Bob, lovely!

* Mike, another great pic!

* Kamamuri, nice amigo!

* Aia, great photo, amico and nice to see you back! I hope the baby is letting you sleep! :biggrin1:

* Doug, wonderful!

* Matt, great pic and still using the injector!! Wow!

* Chris, excellent pic and a nice different perspective!

* Kevin, great pic and it is nice to see you posting, here!

* Matjaz, wonderful photo!

* Willionaire, very nice picture and welcome to the SOTD and the forum!

* Pierpaolo, lovely pic, amico! Straight razors to a Fusion! Unbelievable! :biggrin1:

* Jim, wonderful photo and I prefer the brush handle on the right of your pic! However, they both look very nice! Great job on the restoration. What did you do, use one brush for each side of your face? :biggrin1:

* Keith, beautiful pic! Wow, another injector! Strange not seeing a straight in your pics. :biggrin1:
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* Jim, wonderful photo and I prefer the brush handle on the right of your pic! However, they both look very nice! Great job on the restoration. What did you do, use one brush for each side of your face? :biggrin1:

Thanks, Celestino! Yes, the brush on the right (Klenzo) clearly is the prettier of the two. The other (Stanhome) is not so flashy, but I love the butterscotch color. I did use the method in your question for my third and final pass! :biggrin1: I used the Klenzo for the first pass and the Stanhome for the second.

Yours, as usual, was a lovely photo today, Celestino. I'm happy to see your DLC back in action! :thumbup: In fact, everyone seems to have ramped up for November with really great shots so far.
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* Ravi, great pic!

* Aaron, lovely!

* morgante, very nice photo and good luck with Movember!

* mjclark, lovely photo!

* Soren, wonderful picture!

* Aia, brilliant picture, amico! I guess you can let your daughter play with your car, now! :thumbup:

* Bob, very nice!

* razorguy, wonderful photo!

* Murray, fantastic pic!

* Doug(55), great photo!

* Pierpaolo, lovely pic, amico!

* Doug, excellent picture!

* Matt, great pic!

* Rumwood, congratulations on a lovely first pic!

* Josh, great to see another Canadian here! Lovely pic and welcome to the SOTD!

* Winblows, wonderful photo!

* Chris, very nice pic and that brush looks wonderful!

* Thorsten, great photo!

* Todd, very nice!

* Matjaz, great B&W, my friend, and that DLC sure looks wonderful! :biggrin1:
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