I have now shaved eight times, once after three days' growth of beard, with my 1951 Aristocrat using Wilkinson Sword blades (I changed blades after five shaves), and I have not so much as nicked myself even once. I am very careful and take my time, but that's the whole point, isn't it?
Well done. Shaving with a DE isn't nearly as difficult as often stated, especially with a nice mild (but effective) razor like the Aristocrat. I get some weepers here and there on occasion from slicing off little imperfections or a prominent hair follicle, but I don't really recall ever getting an actual nick or cut during the shaving strokes themselves. I have nicked myself while being careless with where the blade is in my R41 while switching sides, etc. Keep up the good work!
Better chance of cutting yourself. I use a Merkur 34C and Feather and "never" cut myself. Maybe two nicks on my face in over two years. Got my ear pretty good once but that would have happened with any blade or razor.
Mild razors and blades burn my face up with all those passes and touch ups!! Mayby my technique sucks? But im staying with the more aggressive equipment!!!
Nicely done! I had pretty much the same experience when I started. However, I shaved for the first few years way back in HS and college with a Schick injector, so the memories were in there somewhere.
Took me about 2 months to get my first small nick, after that it took a couple of shaves to get one on my lip. Be careful with a dry lip when shaving the chin area, it gets caught rather unexpectedly.