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Not quite thinking of turning back, but.

Hi as some of you are aware I got a R41 for Xmas and although my shaves are good, I feel like the blade is just scraping across my face. Even with a feather. Up til now I've used a EJ DE89 with either a feather or gillette yellow. My shaves were lovely and irritation free but I could just not conquer the throat area, hence the purchase of the r41.
So today I shaved with the r41, feather and some fusion gel. Had a decent shave and face feels smooth which leads me to believe it could be my lather. I only use TOBS sandalwood and Jermyn street cream. Is there any of cream which would benefit me. I have a very coarse beard growth and only can use a blade once.
I want to use a cream and brush but if the canned stuff gives a better shave I may have to go back.
Many thanks in advance.

Also how can I get rid of one ingrown hair that just keeps reappearing no matter what just next to Adam's apple?
"Just scraping" sounds like the angle is off. If you're using a shallow angle, try going steeper, or vice versa. ("Steep" means handle pointing towards the floor. "Shallow" means handle pointing out, head almost flat against your face.)

Your creams sound fine. If you're getting better results with gel, perhaps your lather is too watery? Just guessing here.
Sounds like an angle and not enough good prep especially with the lather. You may have to practice improving your lather. Do you face-lather?
Yes I do. I load brush from tub and straight onto face. I thought the lather was good always use plenty of product and water. It must be the lather though because that's all that changed today was to the fusion gel. Thanks
If it works, it works.
There's no shame in using canned gel if that's what works for your face.
Nobody is going to break down your bathroom door and tell you that you must use a 27 blade cart with the canned gel.
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