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Not quite ready for a Feather

I tried a Feather out in my Sledgehammer Slant this morning. It felt great while shaving and I did a two pass and was very careful. It felt like a close shave with few to no stray whiskers.

Then I hoped in the shower and started to notice my face felt like it was getting hot. Did my usual post shower cold water splash and then applied some alum. YEOWWWWW! Face turned bright read and stayed that way for a while. I patted my face down a couple times with Skin Food and that has helped some.

The moral of the story for me is that I think I'm not quite ready for the Feathers. Tomorrow I'm trying out the Crystals.:blushing:


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Mmm, it might be something else, prep or lather that didn't help you where it should?

I wouldn't get rid of the Feather now but you might need a day to recover!
I used feathers when i first started and had the same reaction. This was after shaving for many years with a cartridge. I thought I would zip my way like always and found out quickly it does not work that way with a feather....lol So I tried many blades and in the end i went back to feathers since for me they are clearly the best blade. Work on your technique and see how it goes with some other blades. Then go back to a feather if you like.....
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The first shave on a new Feather can be something else, and yet, for me, they seem to get milder with each successive shave. I can easily get 5 shaves from a Feather. I have also found that I can't use a Feather for every shave because it's just too "effective". I really like the Crystals and they are fine on the first shave. Lastly, make sure you aren't going over already shaved skin with your slant and Feather because it can really irritate your skin - and don't throw that Feather away.
I used feathers when i first started and had the same reaction. This was after shaving for many years with a cartridge. I thought I would zip my way like always and found out quickly it does not work that way with a feather....lol So I tried many blades and in the end i went back to feathers since for me they are clearly the best blade. Work on your technique and see how it goes with some other blades. Then go back to a feather if you like.....

That's my plan. Thanks for the advice.
The moral of the story for me is that I think I'm not quite ready for the Feathers. Tomorrow I'm trying out the Crystals.:blushing:

When I resumed shaving with a DE I used other blades for a few months before even trying a Feather. I wanted to make sure of my technique first. Now they're my favorite blade. As Curtis did, I suggest working on your technique for a while, then you can try Feathers again if you're so inclined.
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