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nose hair, and ear hair maintenance

So - we're all about the hair on our face.

Any great maintenance tips to keep the hairs short in our noses, and away from our ears.
Any tools?

I .. hate, hate, hate .. my .. ear hairs.
They grow on the outside of my ears, and I feel like yoda sometimes - I'm very self concious about them.
I don't get ear hair, I do get nose hair and I have a pair of special scissors I bought at Nordstrom rack, I'm sure you can find them on ebay.
I've also seen some trimmers for ear hair at target, can't be that hard to find!
I use the groom mate platinum XL for my nose and ear hairs. Its all stainless and real easy to clean.

+1 on the groommate XL or its German counterpart Dovo for the nose hairs. Painless unlike the crappy electrics you find at the stores. Durable too - I've had mine for >5 years and no problems thus far.

ear hairs - still working on this issue :001_unsur - I feel like a werewolf sometimes.
I really miss the old Dovo Klipette. It took no prisoners.
The newer model is OK, but nowhere near as effective.

I recently plunked down $10 on the "as seen on TV" MicroTouch and I'm very pleasantly surprised.
It handles the nostrils and even the pesky whiskers that I have trouble getting with the DE.

For the back of the neck and outside the ears, I pick up my trusty Sensor and all is right with the world.
My barber trims my ear hair with his clippers and keeps my eyebrows in check. When it comes to my nosehair, sometimes I just grab and give a yank!! :crying: That's what I do.... but I would never in good conscience recommend that anyone else do that :wink2:. (It only hurts for a couple seconds.... the tears last for about a minute)

The consensus from past threads reveals that the GroomMate XL is your best bet. I finally ordered one and I am awaiting its arrival.
Philips Norelco ear/nose trimmer works very well. Sooner or later all men will have use for it.


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    $Philips Norelco nose ear trimmer.jpg
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The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
I reconmend and use the Finishing Touch Trimmer by Lumina (I bought mine at Walmart for $12US),. :thumbup:

"Lumina Finishing Touch Features":

•Safe on all skin types
•Sleek, compact, and cordless [1 AAA Battery]
•The [built in], light lets you see what you've been missing
•Pivoting head, so you can reach those hard-to-reach places
•Perfect for sensitive areas like your [eyebrows, ears, nose & other body grooming areas]
•Painlessly trims eyebrows faster than conventional methods
•Safety design keeps blade away from direct contact with skin
•Hypoallergenic surgical steel blade system is safe and [very], gentle to the skin [absolutely pain free]

"Life is [like] a razor, you are always in hot water or a scrape" Anonymous

When it comes to my nosehair, sometimes I just grab and give a yank!! That's what I do.... but I would never in good conscience recommend that anyone else do that . (It only hurts for a couple seconds.... the tears last for about a minute)


That's about the extent of my nasal maintenance right now! But I swear.. I must let some slip.. and they probably curl and tickle my nose.
Right at this point, wifey walks in and asks me if I picked any winners.

GroomMate XL Order! awaiting delivery.
Scissors from a standard cheapo grooming kit for the nose hairs. Safety razor (usually disposable, working on using the Gem) for the outsides of the ears. Tweezers as needed.
My barber trims my ear hair with his clippers and keeps my eyebrows in check. When it comes to my nosehair, sometimes I just grab and give a yank!! :crying: That's what I do.... but I would never in good conscience recommend that anyone else do that :wink2:. (It only hurts for a couple seconds.... the tears last for about a minute)


One of the worst things you can do. If you have a 5x magnified mirror, look in it when you pull the nose hair out. You will draw blood. That can get infected and it "can" reach your brain and kill you. The nose is nothing to mess around with.
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