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Non-leather DE travel cases?

Anyone know of a decent non-leather travel case for a DE razor? I use an EJ DE89L. Seems everything I come across is leather, which I don't use.
I use a small Pelican brand case, I think it's a 1050. It's got a rubber bumper kind of lining and has enough room for any typical razor plus my Case brush, a styptic and occasionally a sample size of cream and some blades. fits in the side pocket of my Victorinox shower kit and in a role reversal, keeps moisture IN so nothing gets wet in my suitcase. Picked it up at the R.E.I. store. Mine's yellow so it looks kinda ​Sporty!
If you can find one the metal Mühle travel case fits the EJ perfectly.


Here's mine with my #15.

I bought mine on the bay a couple years ago. I've seen them pop up on the BST a few times.

Here it is with my EJ Octagon.
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