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no lather with ATG?

From: http://www.detailsformen.com/how-to-shave-with-a-straight-edge-razor.html
Regarding straight razor shaving. Does this seem right to you?

"Always shave with the direction of the hair growth first. Relather after first pass and shave sideways to the grain next. If necessary to make a third pass, wet face with cold water. Use no lather for against the grain shaving so that you can see exactly where the entire blade is at all times. This is where most of the storied oops occur. Be aware when trimming side burns that the tip is near your earlobe, etc
Using water instead of lather should be alright, so long as you're getting adequate lubrication. Very thin, slippery lather works just as well (or better).

Personally, I think there are far more important "rules" regarding shaving ATG, such as doing enough beard reduction in previous passes, having an extremely sharp blade, stretching the skin appropriately, getting the blade angle right, etc.
Usually I only do 2 passes, with the atg one having a very thin layer of lather, no lather could be more dangerous?
I find my lathers tend to be thinner in latter passes; best described by another member likening it to "trying to lay heavy snow on a barren hillside."
When I am almost finished.. and want *the* finest finish.. I like to take just a touch of lather in my hand and rub it on my face then some water to mix in and to feel just where the next stroke needs to be taken... 90% water 10% lather
plain water will do but the extra slickness never hurts.
I usually lather up for all my passes but on the odd occasion I will touch up spots with just using water.
Using water instead of lather should be alright, so long as you're getting adequate lubrication. Very thin, slippery lather works just as well (or better).

Personally, I think there are far more important "rules" regarding shaving ATG, such as doing enough beard reduction in previous passes, having an extremely sharp blade, stretching the skin appropriately, getting the blade angle right, etc.

+1 on the sloppy lather.
My straight shaves are finished with good lather that's been thinned to the point that it almost runs down my neck. It's really slick when it's barely hanging on and you can see where your blade is at all times.
From: http://www.detailsformen.com/how-to-shave-with-a-straight-edge-razor.html
Regarding straight razor shaving. Does this seem right to you?

"Always shave with the direction of the hair growth first. Relather after first pass and shave sideways to the grain next. If necessary to make a third pass, wet face with cold water. Use no lather for against the grain shaving so that you can see exactly where the entire blade is at all times. This is where most of the storied oops occur. Be aware when trimming side burns that the tip is near your earlobe, etc

This recommendation is for straight razor shaving, which is very different from a DE. DE guys are likely to get nasty razor burn from doing this unless they're fairly experienced.

The old barber textbooks recommended using lather for the first pass, then just water for the remainder of the passes. While I generally use lather for all of my passes, I have tried the water-only passes with my straight razor and it works just fine. If I'm in a hurry it's one way to speed up the shave.
"Always shave with the direction of the hair growth first. Relather after first pass and shave sideways to the grain next. If necessary to make a third pass, wet face with cold water. Use no lather for against the grain shaving so that you can see exactly where the entire blade is at all times. This is where most of the storied oops occur. Be aware when trimming side burns that the tip is near your earlobe, etc[/QUOTE]

I do something similar to this in my DE routine. I lather for 1 or 2 WTG passes, and then lather again for a XTG pass, like normal. Then I cheat. I rinse my face and use a non lathering face cleanser, which provides lubrication without blocking my view of the remaining stubble. I feel around with my fingers as well as eyeball the situation, and use short ATG passes to do touchups only. I cut down considerably on irritaion, and get a great final result with no oops. Maybe I will try the last step with cold water and see what happens.
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