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Nivea Energizing Scrub

I was wondering if anybody has any experience with this product. I used to use it daily as a face wash in the shower before I shaved.
It was really gritty. Does anyone use this daily? Have you tried it and find it too abrasive?
Thinking of trying it again since I can't remember why I stopped using it.
Hi - I have Nivea's Razor Defense Scrub. It may be similar to yours. I find that my face needs that sort of aggressive treatment no more than once a week. I had tried using it daily but my face didn't feel right and I was getting some razor burn on my neck regularly. So with trial and error I found that I need to scrube once, possibly twice a week max.
The Nivea was less aggressive than the 'Rare Earth' scrub I got at Kiehls...so I alternate once a week with the Nivea - the following week I use the Kiehls stuff.
I was wondering if anybody has any experience with this product. I used to use it daily as a face wash in the shower before I shaved.
It was really gritty. Does anyone use this daily? Have you tried it and find it too abrasive?
Thinking of trying it again since I can't remember why I stopped using it.

I use this product before every shave. With that being said I must also inform you that I shave every other day. The directions on the back of the package say to use this every 2-3 days so this works out perfectly for my shaving schedule. One other thing worthy of mentioning here is that this face scrub is an exfoliator and you should only exfoliate every 2-3 days depending on skin type. (Hence the directions on the package.)

Like I said before I use the Energizing Face Scrub on the days I shave and I use the Nivea for Men Double Action Face Wash on days I don't shave. This is a good routine for me and leaves my skin feeling clean and smooth. YMMV but I hope this information helps.
I can only use this stuff about 1x per week, honestly I only use it across my honker of a nose. I need it more on my upper arms, but use a more generic product for that (some random salt scrub).
I tend to stay away from products with pumice. I've never had skin "problems" but for some they may be a godsend.

Just opening up my pores with hot water before a vigorous scrub with regular soap has always done the job for me.
I tried the Nivea Scrub, but found it was far too rough on my skin, so I stopped using it after a few times, and I think I gave it away.

A good exfoliant should contain oatmeal, not pumice ... it does the job without being abrasive.

No exfoliant should be used every day ... 1x a week is all that it needs, perhaps every 3 days, tops.
I tried it, but found it too rough and irritating. It's funny how we might complain about a little bit of razor drag, but then punish our skin with ground bits of stone, in the name of skin care.
I tried the Nivea Razor Defense scrub last winter but didn't replace it when it was empty. Too aggressive for daily use. For the past 6 months or so I've been using the Neutrogena facial bar.
I tried the Nivea Razor Defense scrub last winter but didn't replace it when it was empty. Too aggressive for daily use. For the past 6 months or so I've been using the Neutrogena facial bar.

I like the Neutrogena stuff too. The Razor defense ASB is what I finish with after every shave. It's not cheap, but good stuff almost never is:001_tongu
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