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Night Shavers- Need Some Guidance

Here's my situation:
Due to a dress code at work that requires employees to be "clean shaven" at the start of their shift, I usually shave in the morning since I'm currently on first shift. This means shaving about 4:30 am. I'm usually a little rushed since I have to get ready for work, share the bathroom with my wife, take care of the dogs, etc. Some times, rushing impacts the quality of the shave: earlier this week, I found that I left a large patch of stubble on my neck in my haste to get ready and get out the door.

To save time and allow myself the ability to slow down and concentrate on my shave, I've considered moving my shave to the evening before (maybe around 8:00 or 9:00 pm).

Here are my questions:

Does anyone else do something like this? If so, are you still presentable in the morning?

Does it help you relax and concentrate on the shave instead of everything you need to get done that day? Did the change seem to reduce nicks/cuts/irritation?
For the past 5-6 years I've been a night shaver. I get stubble pretty quick, but my "presentability" will still last at least until the following afternoon. As far as the shaves go, all I know is that I'm definitely more of a night person, than I am a morning person. So I'd have to assume that being awake and alert during my shave results in a much better/safer shave than being groggy with one eye still shut. I've always loved going to bed clean, and I feel like I sleep much better that way. Adding a clean shaved face to that has only made things better.

On the weekends I still like to shave in the morning so I can at least get a day or two of rubbing my BBS cheeks.
I sometimes have to get up at 0400 for an early flight, so I shave the last thing before bed the night before. I don't have an excessivly heavy beard, but I'm more than presentable at 6 PM the next evening. I could never have gotten away with this in my Mach 3 days, though!
I've only been doing the DE for a few weeks and I've morphed in to a night shaver because I would have to get up at stupid o'clock to shave in the morning. I find that with a good DE shave I'm still very presentable well in to the following day. Not only that, SWMBO prefers a clean shaven me smelling nice at bedtime rather than with 16hrs growth sandpaper face, so there are other benefits :blushing:
I'm a night shaver. Typically it's 10 or 11 PM and lately with all that's going on at the office I shave when I get home. Just to unwind and freshen up. When I shave before sleep I have no problems looking clean shaven the next morning. When I shave at 4 or 5, as elverdiblanco put it "there are other benefits"; but looking completely clean shaven at 7 AM is not one of them.

You just need to try it out yourself. Try it over the weekend. It may not even work for you.
I'm not a monring person either so I always shave at night. Morning shaving seems too rushed to me. I'm able to take my time and enjoy my BBS shave.
I generally shave at night too because I am not a morning person, and I need those extra few taps of the snooze button...

That said, I am still smooth when I wake up and presentable well into the afternoon/evening. But I dont HAVE to shave everyday, so I say that it largely depends on your beard growth. I will say that the shaves we get with these razors VS Mach/Electric etc... are much closer, and take a little longer to "grow in" Most likely you will be fine the next morning if you shave right before bed.

Fill us in after you figure it out :thumbsup:
I too, am a night shaver. I prefer it. I have to get up and be to work at 5am, so it's necessary to shave the night before. I like it, and never had a problem or had an image issue...
I switch off mornings and nights. Night shaves are still very presentable the next day for me, and usually more relaxing. You can take your time, put on some music, and enjoy the ritual. The wife loves it when I shave at night, the pillow case has never felt so comfortable, and it really relaxes you before bed. On the other hand, shaving in the morning can be a good "pick me up", I've been doing the morning menthol face freezing rush the past few days and man is it nice. I have also recently picked up shower shaving for these morning shaves which works out well. I can tell you that a Poraso green, or even more so, Vostock, followed by either Osage, Poraso green, or AV Ice Blue shave in the morning will really get you going.
I think you should be good shaving say at 9 PM or so and you should be good for shift inspection the next morning. And certainly, having the time to relax and take your time gets you a closer and more enjoyable shave.

I am a morning shaver put I think similarly to others' experience that a good shave (Close, Comfortable to DFS) should leave the average man presentable for at least 12-16 hours. In the past, before DE wetshaving, I got mediocre shaves and could detect shadow at 8-10 hours. Now that I am getting good to excellent shaves daily, I notice that I actually am presentable by any social standards for at least 15 hours.
Does anyone else do something like this? If so, are you still presentable in the morning?

Does it help you relax and concentrate on the shave instead of everything you need to get done that day? Did the change seem to reduce nicks/cuts/irritation?

Yes, I do. I shave around 7 to 9 pm every night. I look presentable in the morning and throughout the day. I would say my beard is medium and I have brown/blonde/grey hair on my beard.

I find it very relaxing and I prefer it this way. I'm not a morning person.

I am a night shaver as well, between 23.00-24.00 hrs, beacuse morning shifts starts 05:30, so i'd say that 2 passes (WTG XTG ) will help you the most. Take your time and concentrate, with angle, pressure, correct lather and you will be rewarded with good shaves.

Good luck.
Night shaver here as well. I think you'll notice that you spend more time shaving at night than you did in the mornings because you have more time to spend. Yes, you will definitely be able to relax and enjoy it more. I shower at the same time - it's nice for me and the LOTH of I am clean when I go to bed.

I do three passes and sometimes follow up with some buffing. The results are always DFS and occasionally BBS. My shave usually lasts about 16 hours before I have a noticeable stubble and is sufficient for work. Another benefit is that I can try some pretty strong aftershaves that I typically would not wear to work and they are not intrusive when I leave in the morning. For example, my wife loves Jovan musk. Her appreciation has caused me to like it as well :tongue_sm
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Sleeping a little bit longer in the morning is better then shaving for me. I shave at 10pm and i still look presentable in the morning.
Night shaver here too! I just cant wake up early enought to shave well in the morning. Not really the kind of person that can pull off a 15 min DE shave. Usually when I go for a BBS in the evening I wake up still well shaven in the morning and it lasts throught the day.
I've done the night shaving thing before just to have more time, concentrate, and enjoy it. It works for sure. Still presentable in the morning but not BBS. Try it once on the weekend to see what your situation is, you'll probably be fine. Figure that you're going to look like you do at the end of your shift. Eight hours at work or eight hours asleep, the beard grows pretty much the same.

As I got more practiced and quicker with a DE I switched back to morning shaves since time and technique were not as critical.

When i started I did my shaving after the nightly shower. I needed the extra time to slow down and focus on basics. As my technique improved so did my speed. Now I shave every morning without issue.
While I generally shave in the morning, sometimes I shave at night instead: especially when I'm exploring new kit, techniques, products, and also when I know the next morning I'll have to get up and out early, fast, or have lots on my mind. Shaving at night enables me to focus, relax, and really enjoy myself -- it's a great pre-bedtime refresher and relaxer. And, as others point out, there are a variety of resulting benefits to joining one's beloved (or simply bespoused) feeling refreshed, relaxed, smelling and feeling delicious. Everyone's beard grows and shows differently, so you'll have to check yourself, but I find I look just fine through the workday.
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