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Nickel Washers

Where do people get nickel washers. I'm looking to place an order with microfasteners and am getting brass 0 and brass 0 wide washers. The only other size 0 washers they have are stainless steel. Do people use these?

For nickel rod, do most people order from texasknife?

Thanks all?

Going to get some acrylic and start my hand on some restores.
I order stainless washers #0 from microfasteners.

I get my 1/16 rod from texas knife, I ordered some on Thursday, but they called me and left a message on friday that it was backordered, im calling them back in a few hours when they open to see the status. Also, if you can, do not place your order for the rod online, give them a call and ask them if they can ship it for less since its such a small item. They did that for me without asking the first time I order, but now I just call and ask, and they are totally kool with it. Good luck!
And as for your other thread on acrylics, i have a kool source for solid acrylics and transparent, but I havent had much luck finding the perals and marbles, I find them, but I do not have a way to rip the material to size.
I get mine from a hardware store in town, Sifverts Skruv, a family owned business, the third generation that works in it :001_smile
The old grandpa sometimes works there himself, suspenders & and all :thumbup1:
M1.6 washers are just right for razors. That are for 1.6 millimeters bolts.
As for you who hard-headedly refuses to use the world standard of the metric system & still measure things in how many 16th's there are of any given bodypart, that is ~ 1/16 of the lengt from the tip of your thumb to the first joint on your thumb.

Now a Swedish store probably doesnt help you much, since the travel cost would be hard to earn back any time soon...

But, if it is to be found here, you maybe could find a local source yourself.
Or check the model-makers shop, the ones that focuses on the model car-freaks.
Just a tidbit... nickel is basically white brass. For a true metallurgist this would not be true, but for the purposes of knife/razor manufacture or repair it is accurate enough.

I use stainless washers when I want the "silver" look.
Thanks guys!

I placed an order with microfasteners last week and threw in some stainless washers.

Talk about a rip on shipping thought - charged me $7.50 shipping when it cost them $1.60 to ship.
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