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Next brush advice based on experience with Duke 3 and Semogue Boars

So i've had a Duke 3 for about a year and a half and I just don't use it very much. Its an awesome brush, but I keep using smaller Semogue boars instead . Why do I prefer the Semogues? I think its the ability to flow and release lather. The Duke
gives me this "wall of lather" feel.

I do like that the badger dries so much faster than my semogue boars.

I've only owned one other badger and it was a very inexpensive vilifux in pure. I only use it with tube creams when i travel. It has no backkbone and is kind of itchy.

I exclusively face lather. I mostly use soaps, but not the triple milled super hard soaps.

So what I would like is something a little smaller that my Duke 3 ( but still with a comfortable handle). But with better flow. In other words something more like my boars :)

I've been eyeing the Shavemacs in best or maybe even 3 band d01. Maybe a Duke 2 in best or any Simpson 2 band. The semogue 2 band also seems like a good deal.

As a side question, would I prefer a bulb shape to reduce the wall of lather feel?

Thanks, Bill
As a face-latherer exclusively and a cream user predominantly, I find the New Forest Tubby 2, 2-band super and the Simpson Colonel best badger ideal. Neither is a lather hog and both whip up thick, slick lather. They both have soft tips and springy shafts, which I really like. If you find the New Forest Tubby 2 too large, there is its little brother the Tubby 1.
I have used a Simpson Commodore X3 and feel that it has good flow through, probably a less dense knot that the Duke and has a great handle, but the knot maybe too big for you. The Simpson special was a similar feel with a much smaller knot
Pretty much a Simpson fan altogether- have little experience with other badgers I must admit. Rufus suggestion is excellent- the Colonel is easily one of the best they keep. The flow is superb. I always face lather triple milled. But I think with the soft soaps (creams) it would excel. Good luck! I am positive you will make a good choice whatever- based on the info you are asking.
The Rooney 3/1, Semogue 2-band SOC, and Duke 3 in 2-band would be good options. A Thater 4125 in 2-band bulb has good backbone and superb flow also.
But for your desire to go smaller you sound like a near perfect candidate for a two band Chubby which happens to have a bulb knot. I believe they are specifically made for face lathering with soaps. If you ever get the desire to try triple milled soaps you will be ready. I have a Duke 2 in best and it cant touch my Chubby 3 two band using soaps. If you are looking to put lather on your face the Chubbies do it.


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I've owned a D3 and currently own a SOC Boar. The brush you are after is a D01 3 band Shavemac. Fan would be my choice and what was recommended to me.

No scritch, more feel then a pillow soft silvertip, but pleasant, good backbone and great flow. Some might call the feel to be "gentle scrub", but I would hesitate to call it "scrub" and it's more like "gentle backbone", but no where even close to the D01 2 band scrub and backbone.

I just finished face lathering with mine, will be all week and it's a great brush. Custom pick the handle, loft, knot size and even material from Shavemac. EXPERT SELECT

To me, it's everything the Simpson D3 wants to be, but falls short doing so.

Shavemac D01 3 Band Fan
Overall Height: 99.10 mm
Handle Height: 50.00 mm
Knot Loft: 49.10 mm
Knot Diameter: 25.36 mm
Weight: 67.9 g
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So I'm on vacation working with the Duke. The water is harder than it is at home and the normal soaps I face lather with aren't quite performing like they do at home. So I decide to try bowl lathering with the Duke and some proraso cream and it gives me a couple of the best lathers I've ever had. And no lather hogging. I still will probably get another brush, but this is really pretty awesome.
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Which handle style is that brucered? 167?

I've owned a D3 and currently own a SOC Boar. The brush you are after is a D01 3 band Shavemac. Fan would be my choice and what was recommended to me.

No scritch, more feel then a pillow soft silvertip, but pleasant, good backbone and great flow. Some might call the feel to be "gentle scrub", but I would hesitate to call it "scrub" and it's more like "gentle backbone", but no where even close to the D01 2 band scrub and backbone.

I just finished face lathering with mine, will be all week and it's a great brush. Custom pick the handle, loft, knot size and even material from Shavemac. EXPERT SELECT

To me, it's everything the Simpson D3 wants to be, but falls short doing so.

Shavemac D01 3 Band Fan
Overall Height: 99.10 mm
Handle Height: 50.00 mm
Knot Loft: 49.10 mm
Knot Diameter: 25.36 mm
Weight: 67.9 g
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