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Next blades to buy?

I'm just starting with a DE (less than 2 weeks) and am using the Merkur 38c with the Merkur Platinum blades, but I only have about 2 weeks before I need to get more blades

In reading the advice it seems the suggestion is not to switch things up too soon but I was wondering if there was a comparable blade that costs a bit less - I'll need to order some soon

OR...should I move on to some sampler pack?

The thing I wonder about is if if I should start switching things up yet? I am getting some irritation on my neck but I assume its technique not the blade
Well ... it is up to you.

Some say that the Merkur Blades are not good for them.

Some say that you should use a blade for a month or two to get everything down.

They also say to use the same razor, the same soap, the same brush and learn how to shave.

Some also say to start with a Feather Blade and you will know what sharp is and you will also learn how to shave.

Then, after you learn how to shave with a Sharp Blade you can move to a lower cost blade and learn how to shave with that.

But, if price is a concern ... then, it is up to you.

Astras are somewhat cheap so buy some of them and learn how to shave. Then after a while buy a sampler pack and find the best blade that is for you and your razor.

When you get to the point of buying a sampler pack read the wiki for how to pick a best blade or PM me and I will send you what I have.

But, what I have is my opinion and YMMV.

Good Luck.

By the way, I have 100 Astra Blades waiting to be used and over 100 Sampler Blades waiting to be used. I am working on using my CVS, Wallgreen and Grocery Store Blades before moving on.
I do believe that starting with a sharper blade will help shorten the learning curve. But if you want a blade that is a little better than the Merkur then I would get Derbys 100 for $8. My favorite blade is feathers.
Wow that is good insight. Cost isn't really that much of an issue I was just wondering if there something close to identical cheaper, it seems they are all relatively cheap. It looks like many describe the Merkur as a middle of the road blade as far as sharpness goes.

Not sure if sharper is better or not. That is the only real reason I would continue with them - my learning curve
Get a sampler pack, of course. I propose to try Crystals and Israeli Red Personna first. Very smooth.
Derby is a good choice, as is Astra SP. I'm not a fan of blade samplers for brand n00bs. I went that route and now regret it, feeling it was just one too many variables. If I could do it over, I'd buy a 30 or 100 pack of a middle of the road blade and stick with them for at least 3 months. Astras are available for $10 for 100.
I liked my experience with the sampler pack. It helped me realize not all the bad shaves were technique related - that the blade/razor combination made a difference too. I'd say go with a sampler pack and keep an open mind to what the faults might be while you are learning. I loved Derby's at first - they seemed forgiving to me. Then Feathers seemed great because they were so sharp. But I've settled somewhere around the Yellow 7 o'clocks and Personnas.
Go to amazon.com and pick up a 100 count of Astra superior platinum for around $10 (delivered)


Astra is the gold standard that I judge all blades against (better than or not as good as an Astra)

After you have gone through half of the carton you can get yourself a blade sampler pack.

You need to get your shaving technique down before you start blade jumping other wise you will not know if the reason you are not getting a good shave is because you have not gotten your consistency down or if the product is not for you.

Shaving is like playing the piano. You have to do your scales for a few months before you can start playing concertos.
Astra SP, they are my go to blade and the best value for money at $8 per 100 (bestshave.net) or as another poster has put on offer at amazon.

Rapira Super Stainless from Bestshave is a good go to blade also

If you can't get a good shave with either of the above you are doing something wrong.

Forget blade samplers - until you have been shaving for a year you won't be able to tell the difference properly.

Irritation is probably technique or cream/soap, unless your blades are getting blunt.

You don't need to apply much pressure, always shave with or across the grain.

Use an after shave balm

What soap or cream are you using? Try another.
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Wouldn't use Astra if someone paid me. Israeli Red Personna is my gold standard. Can be bought now from Connaught Shaving about for the same price as Astra.
Wouldn't use Astra if someone paid me. Israeli Red Personna is my gold standard. Can be bought now from Connaught Shaving about for the same price as Astra.
Please explain the no love for Astra, so we have more to go on. It seems to be a favorite here.
I just don't know, it seems as the harshest and the least forgiving blade I've tried. And I gave it a few shots.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Have you tried shaving with the Sharks (Super Chrome or Stainless Steel)?


Other than that, I strongly agree with many members here in purchasing a Sampler. :thumbsup:


“A razor [blade] can’t be sharpened on a piece of velvet”. Author Unknown
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I am looking to get something to establish a baseline.

I've only been shaving with a DE for a little over 2 weeks but I don't have many Merkur blades. I can't say I really have a problem with them but since I am going to have to get new blades pretty soon just trying to field some suggestions...thanks so far to everybody - is there any such thing as a beginner blade, lol

It does seem the Astra SP's are well recommended
It's been just over a year for me shaving with DE only and after I went through my Merkur blades that I got with my razor I bought a sampler pack. I found after 8 or 10 different brands or so, I would be happy shaving with any of the following on a regular basis:

1. Derby2. Astra
3. Israeli Red Personna
4. Feather

I totally recommend getting a sampler pack if you haven't already. You're never going to know if you like something until you try it. Good luck
Ha, as you can see, blade choices vary a lot.

The Merkur blades you have a decent. There are many blades that outperform them by a little and cost less, so Merkur isn't always very popular. It is hard to find something similar to Merkur, I think that the German made Wilkinson's perform a lot like the Merkur blades. And, Astra is also a lot like them.

Feather blades are the sharpest, but not always considered to be the smoothest.
Astra are great all round performers, I don't use them because I am fickle about the glue spots that the blades leave on my razors (though this has nothing to do with performance).
Red Personnas are great if you are looking for a super smooth blade, but sometimes they seem less sharp than the competition.

If cost isn't a real issue, take a gamble on a box of 100 blades and also get a sampler pack of blades. This way, you use your box of 100, but have the option to try an alternative whenever the desire arises.

For what it is worth, I currently shave with Red Pack Personnas and intend to replace them with Green pack Gillette Perma Sharps.
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