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Newbie's 1rst D/E Shave!

Well guys, I just wrote up a lengthy 1rst shave post but when I went to post it I got a token expired msg and then it all disappeared. :( Here we go again, though a little more brief.

I haven't tried a d/e razor since about 26 years ago when I was a clueless teen. :001_huh::001_smile Like most of you guys here I've had it with expensive cartridges or cheap disposables. I started thinking about using a single or d/e razor and found this place. With lots of information generously provided by you guys here over the years I sifted thru pages and finally felt prepared to take the plunge. I had an ancient Old Spice brush but yesterday when I went to inspect it it basically shed a quarter of its hairs while cleaning so time for a new brush! I didn't want to wait for an online purchase to arrive so I started searching here and local stores. I stopped into an Evelyn & Crabtree last night. They have Kingsley brushes, models 8003 and 8012, along with some brand IIRC Il Creppo(?). Curiously, they had none of the brushes listed on their site. A quick Web search revealed some good reviews on the Kingsley 8003 so I picked it up for roughly $26.

I'm very happy with the results of my first d/e shave. Here's my setup: 1963 Gillette Super Speed with an Astra Super Premium blade, Headslick shaving cream, the Kingsley 8003 brush, and used my Uncle's old steel canteen cup for a lather bowl. The cup is from 1945 and had wound its way thru New Guinea and the Phillippines with him in WWII. I cannot believe how much lather I was able to obtain from just a nickel-sized dollop of Headslick and a few drops of hot water and my new Kingsley brush. I'm new to brushes but I think I'll be happy with this brush for a good while. It's soft with just enough backbone. It whipped up and held a lot of lather. Overall I'm really happy with my first d/e wet shave. I made sure I wasn't going back over the same spot in short successions. I went with, across, then against the hair. Only 2 weepers! :thumbup: My neck is usually very irritated after using my Mach3 but I think it was the products and technique used because I've got only very minor irritation. I still applied some Nivea Sensitive Post-Shave Balm. My neck and face feel great. My Mach3 has been happily thrown into my desk drawer. :thumbup1: Another convert, guys. Thanks for all the info you guys have posted over the years to arm and enable a newbie like myself to perform a proper shave. You've done well! :a14:
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Splat, CONGRATS on your sucessful first DE shave!


The best part is that your shaves will only keep getting better form here on out!!:thumbup1:
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