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Newbie taking a break - AD outta control

I just got my 1st DE (a 34C) in early July from Lee's Razors. What a great guy.
Daily cruises through here and ebay and every vendor online and my AD exploded.
NOS '63 ss flaretip, NOS '67 slim, E Jagger 89, Progress and more. Dovo olivewood silvertip. Penchetta. More blades, colloids and liquids than I care to admit.
I can't apologize, I just live with it...

My 2nd handle from cooncatbob arrived today. Hope you all enjoy the pic.
I'm gonna take an acquisition break at this point.

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Wow, that razor looks really nice! Did that come from the Cooncat? My AD's aren't ready to stop! :w00t::lol::lol: Of course, we'll be more than happy to enable you if you change your mind! :001_rolle

Sheeesh, what's up with everyone wanting to stop the AD's?!? Isn't that part of the reason we're here? :blush::lol::lol:

Anyway, good luck with your endeavor.
Me too. I've lost control, hey how do you like that marble shave bowl? I was thinking about getting it this morning. NO- I must resist.
Me too. I've lost control, hey how do you like that marble shave bowl? I was thinking about getting it this morning. NO- I must resist.

I have that very bowl. It's a beaut! But it'll still be at the various internet vendors in the months to come (I got mine at royalshave.com, but have seen it elsewhere...and I'm a member of richmondesi's support group :wink:)
Now the question is how do I corral all the miscellany? I've got random debris in drawers and in the cabinet. I saw somebody had a jewelry box for storage. I pulled out my old oak Lufkin apprentice machinist's box but it's just too big. Where do find a... what?
Now the question is how do I corral all the miscellany? I've got random debris in drawers and in the cabinet. I saw somebody had a jewelry box for storage. I pulled out my old oak Lufkin apprentice machinist's box but it's just too big. Where do find a... what?

Run through this thread, and you'll get plenty of ideas.
I think you're ready to expand your horizons. Can I PIF you a shave ready straight and get you started? PM me an address and I'll send you something.
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I think you're ready to expand your horizons. Can I PIF you a shave ready straight and get you started? PM me an address and I'll send you something.

Arrrrggghhhhhhhhhh.... don't do this to me. please... thinking thinking...
I think you're ready to expand your horizons. Can I PIF you a shave ready straight and get you started? PM me an address and I'll send you something.

That's It! I like this! Way to go! We need to start another Social Support Group! :w00t: It can be the alter ego of "The Penny-Pinchers". In this support group, we can enable/encourage our fellow brothers with Acquisition Disorders (AD). We can't help it; we're disabled with our disorders! :001_rolle It won't be like encouraging people to spend a lot of money, more like saving money on the items we do buy. After all, we already have an entire section of this great site dedicated to showing off our Acquisitions. Another part of this site is dedicated to Great Buys. I know, we can call this group, "The Acquisition Disorder Enablers"!
That's It! I like this! Way to go! We need to start another Social Support Group! :w00t: It can be the alter ego of "The Penny-Pinchers". In this support group, we can enable/encourage our fellow brothers with Acquisition Disorders (AD). We can't help it; we're disabled with our disorders! :001_rolle It won't be like encouraging people to spend a lot of money, more like saving money on the items we do buy. After all, we already have an entire section of this great site dedicated to showing off our Acquisitions. Another part of this site is dedicated to Great Buys. I know, we can call this group, "The Acquisition Disorder Enablers"!

That's redundant. The whole rest of the forum is dedicated to this end :lol::lol::lol:
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