I just got my 1st DE (a 34C) in early July from Lee's Razors. What a great guy.
Daily cruises through here and ebay and every vendor online and my AD exploded.
NOS '63 ss flaretip, NOS '67 slim, E Jagger 89, Progress and more. Dovo olivewood silvertip. Penchetta. More blades, colloids and liquids than I care to admit.
I can't apologize, I just live with it...
My 2nd handle from cooncatbob arrived today. Hope you all enjoy the pic.
I'm gonna take an acquisition break at this point.
View attachment 68592
Daily cruises through here and ebay and every vendor online and my AD exploded.
NOS '63 ss flaretip, NOS '67 slim, E Jagger 89, Progress and more. Dovo olivewood silvertip. Penchetta. More blades, colloids and liquids than I care to admit.
I can't apologize, I just live with it...
My 2nd handle from cooncatbob arrived today. Hope you all enjoy the pic.
I'm gonna take an acquisition break at this point.
View attachment 68592