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Newbie saying hello, and thanks.

Ok, so I never knew anyone who shaved with a safety razor, straight razor, or anything like that. I had only been exposed to cartridge, and electric razors. The only time I ever had any exposure to anything other than those is through media. I really started looking into safety razors after an episode of Mad Men, a few years back.

I was intrigued by the brush, and the razor, but IDK, I just never ended up purchasing one. I have always hated to shave, and I have a thick fast growing beard, so I have to do it often. Even with shaving everyday, using cartridges, and various uber expensive electric razors I would never be happy with the result of my shave. I either wasn't close enough, or got terrible razor burn, and in-grown hairs galore. Lets not even discuss the complaints of my girlfriend about the sandpaper feeling, and being to ld that I really needed to shave my butt aka my face, lol.

So I thought about it, and I went to a barber, never having been to one that used a straight razor, I looked for one advertising shaves as well as cuts. While I was getting my cut, and shave, I talked to the barber, and he brought up safety razors. I thought about it, and realized how I had been intrigued by them before.

So before doing any real research into it I went onto Amazon, and purchased a few things.

This is probably the least I have ever spent for a months worth the shaving, much less for what could last me a year or more.

My goodness, it has been like night, and day. Suddenly I am looking forward to shaving. I don't end up with bumps, and all those ingrown hairs. I haven't heard anything, but complaints, from my girlfriend since the switch. I think this was just a wonderful decision.

I hadn't done any reserch, except for watching a video on youtube on how to build up a lather with a cream, and brush. Then getting more interested in it, and noticing the wide variety of different creams, soaps, blades, brushes, razors, and stands, I figured there had to be other people out there as intrigued by it as I am. Then I found you, :)

I know now that I probably should have purchased a sample pack to start off with. I have just been showering, then whipping up a good lather in a mug with the Omega brush I have had soaking in hot water. Then brushing it onto my face in circular motion. I do 3 passes, Down, then Up, then Across. Then I rinse off. I splash with cold water. I dry my face, and then I use Old Spice after shave.

I am looking for advice on creams, soaps, preshave, post shave, and all around shaving advice. Doing some reading I have found a lot of interesting stuff. I didn't even know about shave sticks until I started reading on here, and because I was intrigued by them I ordered this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000VAWZ2U/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00

I don't have a lot of money to spend on this new, I guess you would call it a hobby lol IDK, but I thank you all in advance for all the suggestions, and advice, and hopefully I find more ways to enjoy shaving even more.
Welcome to B&B. Looks to me like your off to a decent start. Yes a sample blade pack probably is a nice addition to your arsenal but stick with what you have as it seems to be working. Give the hardware you have to really work then switch up. As for soaps, you can't go wrong with the likes of Valobora, Cella, or Proraso. All economical choices but stellar performing soaps.
Good luck.
Thanks for the advice. As far as soaps/creams I actually really like the Omega shaving cream I purchased, and it is manufactured by Proraso. I also ordered the Arko shave soap sticks just to try something else out. I think it's going to be fun experimenting, and trying out the many different soaps, and such, just gotta try to keep to the cheaper ones for the time being.
Welcome to B&B. Looks like you've got a good start. Derby's really are good blades, especially when you're working on your technique, not too sharp, not too dull. It is a lot of fun though, to try new stuff out so I'd recommend the sampler as well. One thing I wouldn't wait on is a bottle of witch hazel from the drug store. It's a really great after shave splash that doesn't burn like crazy. The store brand is the same as Dickinson's as far as I can tell, except half the price. Oh, and a styptic pencil to stop any bleeders you might get. I picked mine up at Walmart for $1. Otherwise, work on your technique and just have fun!
I have heard of witch hazel, but never knew what it was used for. I have done some searching now, and I will definitely be getting a bottle in the next day or 2.

I have been curios about razors. I really like the TTO/Butterfly style opening of the razor I bought. I have been reading reviews, and stuff about other razors with this feature. I have read that a lot of them don't seat the blade properly, and many people end up tapping them on counters, and stuff to get the blade in the right place. Is there any razor makers I should avoid? Any suggestions on a good razor? I like the handle length one the Feather razor I purchased, so I guess the longer type of handle would be preferred.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the razor I have, it works well, and for it to be mostly plastic it seems to be very solid, and well made. I think I have a bit of an addictive personality, as I tend to go a little overboard, and buy a bunch of different things that all do the same job, lol. So please indulge my current addiction, and let me know a good recommended razor, doesn't have to be new, I am willing to ebay for vintage if necessary.

Thank you again for all your help guys. Reading through these forums, this definitely seems like a great community to be part of.
. . . So before doing any real research into it I went onto Amazon, and purchased a few things.
. . . This is probably the least I have ever spent for a months worth the shaving, much less for what could last me a year or more . . . I think this was just a wonderful decision . . . hopefully I find more ways to enjoy shaving even more.

Welcome to B&B, Buzz_Kill! We're glad you are enjoying your shaves now, and we look forward to helping you continue to save money each and every month as you travel this wonderful road called "Classic Wetshaving" . . . Enjoy the Shaves!!
Welcome to B&B

If your current set up works for you and you are still on the learning curve then I guess a blade sampler can do more bad than good at this stage.

There is nothing wrong with using the cheaper products. I have yet to find anything that works better for me than a stick of Palmolive which costs me €0,75 in a german supermarket.

In my limited experience, more expensive products can add more luxury feel or more refined fragrances but good performance can be very affordable.
Is there any razor makers I should avoid? Any suggestions on a good razor?
I've had mostly vintage razors so far, other than a Lord L6 (which is still in my rotation with a different handle) and a Merkur 1904. There's just something about using the old originals. If you're looking for longer handles, the Gillette Slim and the Black Beauty are both great razors and you can play around with adjusting the aggressiveness as well. I don't have huge hands so handle length isn't an issue. I love the 40's Super Speed but it's a slightly shorter handle, actually any of the Super Speeds are great.

Don't know much about razors to avoid. I've heard Parker razors have some consistency issues and some India made ones as well but there are also some good ones in there too.

Keep an eye on the BST before Ebay, especially when you're getting started. The guys on B&B know what they're selling (which isn't always the case on Ebay). You'll get an honest price and a good description of the shape it's in.

The late 40's superspeeds are still within reach on ebay, and of course here at B/S/T. They're great, durable obviously, and a lot of fun.
Thank you for the advice guys.

I am watching some Gillette super speeds, and adjustables on the bay, and keeping an eye out here in the BST.

I just got in a 12 pack of Arko. I knew I was getting it in today, so I waited to shave until it got here. I have to say the stuff is great! I don't know if I didn't have my lather correct with the Omega soap, but the difference is night, and day. I used a fresh Derby blade, lathered the Arko on my face, and the razor just glided over my skin. It might smell like an industrial strength Pez while I am using it, but the smell isn't bad, and even if it were, with the results I just got I would still use it lol.
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