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Newbie needs recommendations

For someone looking to start wet-shaving, what would you recommend as far as buying a razor?

Fed up with mediocre shaves from expensive multi-blade monstrosities, I was considering learning to use a straight razor, but I don't think I'm ready for that just yet. Thought I'd look for a good safety razor (double-edged, I guess?). Any recommendations are welcome!

I would also recommend a tech or superspeed if you wish to go vintage.

If you absolutely must have a brand new razor I would get an Edwin Jagger DE89L or Merkur HD.

The vintage razors will be milder and probably better to start with.

Don't forget a shaving brush, good blades, a high quality lather shaving cream, and an aftershave of some sort. Might also want to invest in a styptic pencil or nick stick.
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The tech is a fine shaver! I prefer the fat handle...Post a WTB in the bst if you don't see what you finally decide on. A lot of techs floating around!:thumbup1:
I started with a Merkur HD with Merkur blades. No complaints with the razor, but there are definitely better blades out there.

Btw, Welcome!!!!!
i would recommend an old Gillette Slim or Fatboy...adjustability gives you some flexability...cant go wrong with a super speed though
Merkur HD (or other brands that use a Merkur head) or one of the vintage Superspeeds. You can get a Superspeed shipped for $15.

For a brush, get a Rooney 3/1 in silvertip. Even if you decide you want something else - this brush is good for everything and a keeper or at least easy to sell. Many folks recommend a "starter" brush, which I think you will out grow quickly and end up wasting money trying to sell it and buying a better brush.

Get a blade sampler pack, and find what you like.

Soap / cream / aftershave is sooo variable that I don't think I can offer good advice w/o knowing what you like. I guess any decent triple-milled soap to start with.
any of the gillette adjustables, a great way to learn and you can ramp up the aggressiveness as you become more comfortable!
a Merkur HD is a good razor, and you would get decent relatively forgiving shaves. It is also new rather than vintage. Many say this is the best starter razor, and I agree it is pretty good, but you will probably look for something else in the future.

I would say the Edwin Jagger DE89L, new razor, beautiful finish and costs less than the Merkur. But that is only on what others are saying because mine is stuck in new york at a UPS shipping facility because of the snow. If half of what others say is true, it would be a great starter razor.

Now if you don't mind a vintage "used" razor, i would say a slim adustable as long as you can set it to a 5 and leave it alone for a month until you get used to it. It is a relatively cheap alternative which can be easily picked up on ebay or in the BST

Or go for a vintage Gillette Tech or superspeed... very mild and non adjustable. Cheap. Available. If you don't mind used, and are willing to buy another when you outgrow it... THIS IS THE WAY TO GO.

Everyone always recomends razors, but it is as, if not more, important to get a decent middle of the road blade. DO NOT GO AND GET FEATHERS to start.

I may get some crap for saying this, but go cheap. Get one pack of walmart blades. Try them. Members will say they are crap, and they are if you compare them to others, but they are cheap and available. I would recommend red personas or derby's or astras... Better yet a sampler pack. But work through the walmart personna pack first. keep everything consistant before you start changing things to see what you like better.

If you can get through the Walmart Personna's with decent shaves, you will have gotten your technique to the point that you will benefit from better blades. until then, you won't.

If you want to go higher end to start with, make sure you have 5 or 10 blades to use without switching, then get a sampler.

And when you figure out what blade you like... Don't go crazy buying a few hundred of them until you are sure that you like the razor you have. Blades act differently in different razors.

Also, grab an old coffee mug and pick up some cheap shaving soap. They have It a walmart for a few dollars or if going somewhere else, look for williams or VDH. It is cheap. It works. And I do mean cheap as in a dollar or three. Next to the soap will be a boar bruch for 5-10 dollars. you need that too.

When you learn to lather this stuff, you will be able to lather almost anything and TRUST ME, it really isn't bad stuff.

I used an old Superspeed, Walmart Personnas, Williams or VDH soap and a boar bristle brush for the better part of 10 years. They work. They work well.

Grab a styptic pencil while there, it is worth the dollar or so if you do happen to cut yourself. It is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

And grab a decent aftershave... There are good splashes and balms, and even these do not have to be expensive. Old Aqua velva really does work. i like it better than alot of splashes because of the menthol and it has a moisturizing quality. Remember, if you think an old man would wear it, it probably works.

Work on your pre shave prep, and shaving technique. It just may be more important than the tools.

Remember, the basic stuff works... Everything else is just icing on the cake.
I started with a Merkur Futur and found it to be a wonderful introduction to DE shaving. I definatly recommend starting with an adjustable. If I was to start over today, knowing what I know now, I would probably have chosen the Merkur Progress. It is a cheaper and even milder razor than the Futur, but I just loved the looks of the Futur :)
There are a lot of good razors for starting out with, be sure to get a sample pack a blades and maybe a sampler of creams from Truefitt & Hill.
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