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Newbie jumps to Open Comb.Fatip = fabulous!

I've been at this DE thing for a few months now and getting a good handle on everything (including my AD for razors, aftershave, and gadgets...). I started with a Muhle R89 which has been a beautiful razor.

i have been searching for a more efficient shave as my beard was requiring 3-4 passes to knock down the stubble. I decided to pick up a Fatip Grande Nickel AND a Muhle R41 - the box arrived last Thursday.

i have focused on the Fatip (per the advice of many of you) with Astra and have to say I am very happy with the results! 2-3 passes and much more close and comfy than my R89. Not a nick, cut or weeper yet. Following up with Thayer's WH and Floid Blue, and an amazed an how my face feels. I AM HOOKED ON OPEN COMBS!

....R41 either this weekend or next. Doubt I will waste anyone's time on my results there - you all know the drill: Love it OR Hate it....t.b.d.:drool:
I've been at this DE thing for a few months now and getting a good handle on everything (including my AD for razors, aftershave, and gadgets...). I started with a Muhle R89 which has been a beautiful razor.

i have been searching for a more efficient shave as my beard was requiring 3-4 passes to knock down the stubble. I decided to pick up a Fatip Grande Nickel AND a Muhle R41 - the box arrived last Thursday.

i have focused on the Fatip (per the advice of many of you) with Astra and have to say I am very happy with the results! 2-3 passes and much more close and comfy than my R89. Not a nick, cut or weeper yet. Following up with Thayer's WH and Floid Blue, and an amazed an how my face feels. I AM HOOKED ON OPEN COMBS!

....R41 either this weekend or next. Doubt I will waste anyone's time on my results there - you all know the drill: Love it OR Hate it....t.b.d.:drool:

Time to join to legendary groups ( well, legendary in our minds anyway) FaTip/Lovers Gang http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/300217-Joris-Fatip-lovers-reviews-and-pics-thread! and BOTOC http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/283931-Brotherhood-of-the-Open-Comb
I do have the R41 and am preparing myself to jump in....when I have all of my little ones safely asleep so I can enjoy the drive!
Ok, said I wouldn't, but I HAVE to post: Gave the R41 a test drive today. WOW! What an amazingly efficient razor- very nice shave. Three passes gave me the most smooth BBS shave yet. My face almost feels numb as I run my hand over it :blink: ..did the R41 sever a few nerves!? :scared: Without a doubt this will hold a place in my rotation. Not sure yet if I will make my daily razor - my Fatip Grande Nickel is sitting in that seat now. Perhaps I will slip the R41 in along with my str8 (about to be sent for honing...) for intermittent/weekend use...

....now, once my wife has time to stop running like crazy, I can get her to try the Muhle R89 on her legs and that one will have a use until our sons add a few years....

Cheers! Make it a Great Day!
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