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Newb seeking advice on safety razor cleaning.

Hello guys I was just reading some shave wiki articles on DE razor cleaning. I've been shaving with my DE for about 5 weeks and other than rinsing with warm water and drying with a clean towel, I haven't thoroughly cleaned it. How should I go about cleaning it properly and how often should I be doing so ? My razor that I will be cleaning is a Feather popular TTO, any suggestions would be very helpful, thanks !
Do what seems right to you. Whenever I notice soap scum on mine, about every two weeks or so, I spray on some scrubbing bubbles. After about 1-min I rinse it clean. Some gents do less, some do more.
I wipe the razor after each shave & the blade as well, I clean it every 2 weeks with a toothbrush & liquid soap and soak it in my barbicide jar once in a while.
I rinse and pat dry all the parts after every shave. If and when I do notice something that needs additional cleaning, I rarely need anything more than an old soft toothbrush and dish or liquid hand soap. Be careful using toothpaste, as it's mildly abrasive. It can and has taken the finish off razors. The toothbrush and soap takes all the scum and any other nasties right off and makes the razor shine. This is more than enough for most people.

I keep scrubbing bubbles around the house generally anyhow. I use then when I get a new razor or when I send a razor to someone else. With my own razors, I generally don't have the need for something so powerful.
I clean my razor(s) after each use. I take it apart (my preference is a fixed head not butterfly) and wipe each part down. Including the blade. I then put a drop of baby oil on each side of the blade and then reassemble. Once in a great while I will put a drop of baby oil in the hole where the head screws into the handle to help avoid rusting. Once every few months I will take the razor apart and soak it in barbicide.
First time receiving a previously used razor - autoclave then Scrubbing Bubbles

Cleaning one of my razors - rinse after each shave, Scrubbing Bubbles and a soft toothbrush if there is soap scum or stuff that won't rinse off.

Polishing a razor (unplated!) - Maas or Flitz
I use a high % (91 I think) isopropyl alcohol and a cotton swab. It tends to get rid of any soap scum and hasn't damaged a razor yet, I don't know if it will potentially or not. I use the higher concentration so that it evaporates quickly off of the razor.
Washing up liquid and warm water are fine for most cleaning requirements. An ultrasonic cleaner can be useful in removing soap build-up inside the razor but only needed once every year or so.

Don't use vinegar solution (apparently recommended by someone on one of the shaving forums) - vinegar is acidic and will cause corrosion eventually - especially inside of the razor.

Never steep an aluminium razor in Barbicide, it'll turn black - in fact don't steep any razor in barbicide, leave for a minute or two then remove and rinse thoroughly.
I use a high % (91 I think) isopropyl alcohol and a cotton swab. It tends to get rid of any soap scum and hasn't damaged a razor yet, I don't know if it will potentially or not. I use the higher concentration so that it evaporates quickly off of the razor.

I do this as well but with an old and very soft tooth brush. Works amazing. It is also the first step i take when i get a razor im going to restore as well. Sometimes they come out so good I think I could get away without polishing (but i always polish anyway cause im ocd!).... BTW I use 99.9% isopropyl alcohol. Its used to clean circuit boards because it evaporates so quickly-you can easily order it online for like $15/gallon. Note it also displaces moisture which is an added bonus when i use it to clean one of my often used personal razors..
Great thanks for all the suggestions guys ! I'll keep rinsing with warm water and drying with a clean towel after shaves and will try some of your suggestions for a more thorough cleaning. Is there any time frame on how often I should do a more thorough cleaning or just an as needed kind of situation ? Would I find Barbicide locally ?


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
You could disassemble the razor after each use. Soak all pieces in alcohol for 2 hours, dry carefully and then place pieces in separate hermetically sealed bags. Take to you dentist and have him/her put them in the autoclave for a decent cleaning. Then back in fresh hermetically sealed bags for the trip back home. Place the bags in a dark, well ventilated area for safe storage until tomorrow.

Or you could do what I do: rinse after each use and dry with a towel. Every couple of weeks when changing blades I'll clean any accumulated soap deposits with an old toothbrush.
I just rinse and shake mine dry. When I change the blade I spray it with scrubbing bubbles to get rid of the scum.
I maybe go through two blades then do a cleaning, maybe three or simply when I change razors (usually about the same time) I always make sure they are cleaned before they are put back in the collection.
Hey guys I just got finished cleaning my razor with Mr. Clean and it came out pretty good ! There was still a bit of scum in small nooks and crannies that I might have to get with an old toothbrush, I'll try that next time. All in all I'm happy with how it turned out, it's the only razor I have so it will be used again very soon :biggrin1: so I guess it doesn't have to be spotless. Thanks again for all the help and suggestions !
A good rinsing and towel dry after each use is what I do. Once a month I'll take all my razors and use an old tooth brush and some Dawn on them.
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