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new yardley shave soap?

Looking for some information regarding yardley shave soap that is currently being sold not the vintage stuff.
Walked into a local brick and mortar and found both refill pucks and ceramic dishes of yardley soap. I have heard no mention of this stuff on any of the shave boards and wondered if anyone has tried it? Looks like it could be rebranded MWF like Kent's shaving soap as it's wrapped in a similar way.

I'm very interested as I like to be able to buy some products in real shops... plus it's half price at £3 a puck or £9 in a ceramic dish!
The word around here is that Van der Hagen was putting up the shave soap for Yardley during that line's original sales run, before they begain selling shave supplies in their own company name. I haven't seen Yardley as the brand on anything other than bar soaps the last few years.

Fifty years ago, I used Yardley talcum and mug soaps, although not as much as I used Old Spice shave soap.

I never used up my Old Spice talcum -- it was still half full after twenty years when it disappeared during a move.
You should get some pics, might give some of the Yardley fans around here a heart attack if you get their hopes up too much and it turns out to be a bowl of bath soap or something.
Definitely yardley and it says shave soap. Not old stock brand new stuff... I'll take some pics this week.... I'm guessing its just a rebrand... may as well pick up a puck for that money aswell and test it.
You can still buy Yardley bath bars,but it's not the same bar sold 50 years ago.I suspect if there is a new shave soap branded Yardley on the market it will be a run-of-the-mill soap with a little added lavender scent,but hope springs eternal in the world of shaving !
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